

Varenyky with potato, parmesan, and Italian herbs

The complete range of TM Good Chef:

Khinkali "Three-Cheese";

Khinkali with pork;

Pelmeni with Chicken fillet;

Pelmeni with turkey meat;

Pelmeni with pork and beef meat;

Varenyky with potato;

Varenyky with potato, parmesan, and Italian herbs;

Rice flour cheesecakes;

Pancakes with salmon and cheese;

Chocolate pancakes with cherry and caramel;

Pancakes with chicken and mushrooms;

Pancakes with sweet cottage cheese;

Lasagna with mushrooms and chicken with Bechamel sauce;

Lasagna with "Bolognese" sauce with pork;

Vanilla casserole with cottage cheese;

"Selyanske" licorice butter.

Pasteurized organic cow milk 2,5% fat

For the production of pasteurized organic cow's milk, the following are used: extra-class whole organic cow's milk obtained as a result of certified organic production. Appearance and consistency - a homogeneous liquid without sediment, protein flakes and lumps of fat. Taste and smell: clean, without foreign tastes and odors not inherent in fresh milk. Color: white, uniform throughout the mass.

usaid agro program
Acacia flower drink

Ingredients: water, sugar (7.4%), natural extract of acacia flowers, acacia flowers, acidity regulator (citric acid). Non-GMO.

usaid agro program
Melon chips

A unique concentrated natural sweet. As well as a rich set of vitamins, microelements, enzymes, amino acids and dietary fiber.

Only melon: no additives! Low convection drying temperature. Residual moisture content of only 6-8%.

Contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B9 (folic acid), C, E and minerals potassium, iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, selenium, etc.

A great substitute for traditional sweet snacks for coffee and tea.

Very easy in dosage.

40g of chips is about 650-700g of fresh melon.

usaid agro program
Carrot chips

Very rich set of vitamins, carotene, enzymes, microelements, fiber, antioxidants, etc.

Only carrots: no additives! Low temperature convection drying. Residual moisture content of only 6-8%.

Contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B9 (folic acid), C, E, PP and minerals calcium, sulfur, phosphorus, selenium, chromium, manganese, iodine, fluorine, copper and molybdenum.

Perfect product for vegan diets.

Very easy in dosage.

Carrot chips are a very convenient and delicious way to always have a lot of benefits at hand :)

50g of chips are the equivalent to 450-500g of fresh carrots.

Raw-pressed sunflower oil

This unusual oil is made according to the popular Ukrainian recipe.

Ideal for seasoning vegetable salads, vinaigrettes, sauerkraut, sauces, boiled potatoes and cereals, for various cold dishes and for home-made canning.

usaid agro program
Tomato sliced into rings

Flash-frozen natural product. Storage conditions: store at a temperature not higher than minus 18°С and relative humidity not more than 95%. Shelf life: 24 months from the manufacture date. Tomatoes are rich in potassium and calcium. This trace element is involved in the metabolism of fluids in the body, as well as responsible for the health of the nervous system, heart, and muscles. Due to the presence of water and many minerals, tomato is recommended as a means to restore the normal amount of fluid in the body during dehydration. Vitamin A and vitamin C are considered important components that help cleanse the body - and they are rich in tomatoes. Vitamin A, first discovered in 1913, helps in the process of cell growth, strengthens the immune system, and is essential for the eyes. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, as it is involved in the process of liberation from free radicals, not only those that come from the outside, but also those that the body produces itself. It is proved that this vitamin cleanses the body.

usaid agro program
Chopped corn cobs for a grill

Flash-frozen natural product. Storage conditions: store at a temperature not higher than minus 18°С and relative humidity not more than 95%. Shelf life: 24 months from the manufacture date. Corn (maize) is distinguished by a high content of carbohydrates, and its caloric content is 93 kCal per 100 g of product. 100 g of boiled corn contains 123 kCal, and 100 g of canned corn - 119 kCal. With moderate consumption of this product, the body receives a bunch of useful nutrients without harm to the posture. Scientists have come to the conclusion that regular consumption of maize can reduce the risk of brain stroke, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases; because the body receives a sufficient amount of dietary fiber, cellulose, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin E and other nutrients which are contained in corn; and thereby all metabolic processes are boosted. And this leads to improvements in health and the immune system as a whole.

Drіnking-mediсinal natural mineral water

"Kuyalnik" is a unique Ukrainian spring, the water of which has been used as drinking-medicinal since 1834. Regarding its composition is classified as chloride-sodium water. It has a moderate natural mineralization, which equals 3.0-4.0 g/dm3. "Kuyalnik" is unique in its ability to facilitate the process of digestion.
The water is indispensable for people, who suffer from stomach hypoacidity. In case of hypersensitivity to dairy products "Kuyalnik" may become an alternative to kefir.
One of the properties of "Kuyalnik" is to completely replenish the body's need for salts and thus to quench thirst during the hot season.

Cod roe pate original / with smoked mackerel / with smoked salmon

Paté of cod roe is an incredibly tasty product. The recipe for Paté was given to the world by French cooks, and our technologists have perfected it. It is thanks to our recipe that cod caviar acquires a unique flavour and tenderness, while retaining its benefits. The composition is 95% of cod roe caught in cold waters, sunflower oil and a little salt. Cod caviar pate will not only decorate your festive table, but also suitable as an everyday snack for the whole family. Convenient brightly coloured packing, tin can with Easy Open key  or glass jar with twist off lid and shelf life of 24 months at +25°C. Taste the tenderness on the taste!

Natural table mineral still water “Bon Boisson”

Bon Boisson natural mineral table water is extracted in the “Salt Estuary” resort area. During bottling, water enters the bottle directly from the well, preserving its natural state and physical properties of mineral water.

Bon Boisson natural mineral water is ideal for daily use for the whole family. It has no restrictions on use and contraindications to consumption, and its low mineral content allows you to use Bon Boisson water for making hot drinks and favorite dishes.

BON BOISSON - natural water for your life!

Chumak Tomato juice

Freshly squeezed tomato juice from Chumak is a 100% natural complete product with a fresh juicy taste and thick texture. Not from concentrate, not from tomato paste, or even without salt.

French Boulevard brandy 3 years old 0.5L

Bouquet: has a pleasant harmonious bouquet with light floral and vanilla tones, harmonious taste.

Ingredients: cognac alcohols, average age of at least 4 years.

Alcohol content: 40%.

Hemp oil

Hemp oil


Hemp seed oil is a healthy alternative to refined products with chemical food additives. The gentle technology of the first pressing preserves the beneficial properties of the oil, so regular consumption of the product improves well-being and stimulates the immune system. Due to its perfectly balanced composition, hemp oil is fully absorbed by the body, and the complex of omega-3 and omega-6 has a positive effect on the heart and blood vessels. Taste - the oil has a distinct seed flavor, leaving a pine nut aftertaste.

Pearl barley, ТМ Art Foods

Pearl barley is a type of barley grits. To turn a barley grain into pearl barley, its outer shell is removed and the core is grinded. The name is associated with the similarity of barley grains to pearls. Cultivation of barley began about 10 thousand years ago. Since ancient times, it was a well-known product. Even gladiators were fed with barley porridge in Ancient Rome. It is widespread in Swedish, Danish, and Finnish cuisine, where it is used for garnish, black pudding, and soups. In Italian cuisine, it is used to make orzotto, which is similar in recipe to rice risotto. Wake up the power of a gladiator by adding pearl barley to your diet!

usaid agro program
Onion chopped into rings

Flash-frozen natural product. Storage conditions: store at a temperature not higher than minus 18°С. Shelf life: 24 months from the manufacture date. Onions began to be grown in very ancient times (more than 4000 years BC). From Central Asia through Iran onion came to Egypt, where it was grown in large areas in the valleys of the Nile. Several centuries BC, onions were cultivated in ancient Greece, where several varieties were already known at that time. Then the onion goes to Rome, and only then to Western Europe, where it spread and became very popular in cooking.


Dishes with corn flour, thanks to the content of slow carbohydrates, quickly and for a long time overcome the feeling of hunger. Your products will have not only a unique taste and rich color, but also exceptional useful properties. In addition, it does not contain gluten, unlike most cereals.

usaid agro program
Onion chopped into cubes

Flash-frozen natural product. Storage conditions: store at a temperature not higher than minus 18°С. Shelf life: 24 months from the manufacture date. Onions began to be grown in very ancient times (more than 4000 years BC). From Central Asia through Iran onion came to Egypt, where it was grown in large areas in the valleys of the Nile. Several centuries BC, onions were cultivated in ancient Greece, where several varieties were already known at that time. Then the onion goes to Rome, and only then to Western Europe, where it spread and became very popular in cooking.

Odessa white semi sweet sparkling wine 0.75L

Bouquet: developed, thin, with hints of duchess and flowers

Taste: fresh, harmonious, floral with acidity

Aroma: gentle fruity, berry

Color in the glass: light straw

Ingredients: Chardonnay, Riesling

Alcohol: 10.5-12.5%

Sugar content: 5-6.5%

usaid agro program
Zucchini (courgette), rings (slices)

Flash-frozen natural product. Storage conditions: store at a temperature not higher than minus 18°С and relative humidity not more than 95%. Shelf life: 24 months from the manufacture date. DO NOT refreeze! Before the cooking do not completely defrost.

Flaxseed oil

It is used for preparation of various cold dishes, salads, cabbage, vinaigrettes, sauces. You can fill any porridge, boiled potatoes, add to the first and second dishes, you can mix with sour cream and mayonnaise. It is useful to mix with cheese and herbs, add to the first and second dishes.