

Mix of oils Dr.Oil

Mix of oils is a dietary product, very beneficial in terms of composition balance. Used for preparation of various cold dishes, salads, cabbage, vinaigrettes, and sauces. Tasty mix with cheese and herbs, seasoning the porridge, boiled potatoes, adding to the first and second dishes.

Ceylon cinnamon

Traditional and organic, authentic Ceylon cinnamon.

Stick C4-C5, Alba cultivar, as well as in form of powder.

Origin: Sri Lanka.

Sweetened Condensed Milk Product TM ICHNIA 8,5% fat

The product is made from dairy raw materials extracted from the processing of extra-class cow's milk by evaporating some of the moisture with the addition of vegetable fats and canning with sugar. Color: uniform throughout. From white to light cream. A slight darkening is allowed on the product's deadlines.

Taste and aroma: sweet with a taste of milk without the foreign taste and smell. Light feed flavor is allowed.

It is made according to the requirements of TU U 15.5-00381152-001.

Meets the requirements of Ukraine and the European Union.

Ingredients: Concentrated demineralized whey, sugar (31.5%),  skimmed milk, palm oil refined deodorized, a mixture of stabilizing (E 401, E 516) Lactose, E 171, flavor "condensed milk".

Drinking organic yogurt

In the production of organic yogurt are used:

- cow's milk not lower than the first grade;

- skimmed cow's milk;

- cream obtained from organic cow's milk during separation;

- bacterial leavens or fermenting preparations for yoghurts;

- organic pasteurized fillers of own production: (frozen blueberries organic, organic sugar, citric acid-acidity regulator, pectin-thickener). The consistency is homogeneous, tender with a broken clot, moderately dense, with particles of filler.

ROSE with Grapefruit

Rose wine with grapefruit is a wonderful combination of exquisite rosé wine from Pinot Noir grapes and juicy grapefruit, which together form a bright bouquet. Taste of the wine is mild, with light fruity notes, moderately sweet, with a pleasant freshness of grapefruit. It tastes best chilled to 8-12 ˚C.

Volume – 0,75 liters

Alc. – 10,5%

Sugar - 55 g / l

Color - Pink

Grape variety - Pinot Noir

Stevia extract “STEVIASUN” dry 300 tabletes/0,04 g «STEVIASUN corp. Ltd»

100% natural calorie-free sweetener. Has a wide range of therapeutic and prophylactic properties: normalizes blood sugar levels, has powerful anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiparasitic, immunomodulatory properties; contributes to the restoration of enzyme systems, normalization of metabolism

Organic sweet cream butter 74.5% fat

In the production of organic butter are used:

- extra class organic cow's milk;

- skim organic milk;

- organic cream obtained from organic whole cow's milk.

Taste and smell - pure well-defined creamy with a taste of pasteurization.

Consistency and appearance - homogeneous, plastic, dense, the cut surface is shiny or slightly shiny, dry. Color - from light yellow to yellow, uniform throughout the mass.

usaid agro program
Newton's Apple Chips

Naturally made Apple chips. Natural flavor. Ingredients: dried apples 100 %.

The product is ready for consumption.




Organic turmeric in slices and in ground form. The level of curcumine reaches 5-7%, origin: Nepal.

usaid agro program
Dry garlic

Products derived from fresh garlic. Fractions: flour/powder, fr. 40/60, fr. 8/16, petal. Flavor and odor: spicy garlicy, typical of fresh garlic, without foreign flavors or odors. Color: creamy-gold with various shades. Humidity up to 8%.

Turkey thigh (bone in, skin on)

Raw material, natural turkey meat, frozen

Sushi Rice, ТМ Art Foods

Sushi Rice is round rice. After steeping and cooking it increases in volume, does not stick together, holds its shape well. At first, it was not eaten but only used for canning fish. Rice is so important to the Japanese that the word "gohan" means not just cooked rice, but simply food. The Japanese have a deity of rice, Inari-sama. According to legend, she brought the plant to the country from her distant travels by hiding a few grains in a staff made of reeds. It is said that the Japanese can turn rice into anything: into salted cookies, into thin noodles, into hard liquor. By cooking Japanese cuisine with our rice, you can become part of the culture of this amazing country.




Vanilla in pods from Madagascar, Comoros, Papua New Guinea, Sri Lanka.

Pods with length from 10 up to 18 cm.

usaid agro program
Organic Pumpkin Muscat

Pumpkin is an annual herbaceous plant with a deep penetrating root system. Stem creeping, branched from the base, up to 10 m behind, with tendrils in the axils of the leaves. Leaves alternate, petiolate, up to 35 cm long., At the base heart-shaped, deep-lobed, toothed. The leaves and stem are covered with rough hairs.

Instant chickpea cream soup ТМ

Product composition:

Dry chickpea puree, dry lentil puree, dry carrot, dry onion, dry tomato, dry celery root (2.94%), dry bell pepper, dry chili pepper, dry green onion, cumin, dry garlic, dry parsley, dry black pepper, sea salt.

Mustard Acute

Mustard goes well with meat dishes and cheese, enriches the taste of salads and adds piquancy to all sandwiches. It appropriates sauces, soups and marinades! The TOP secret of our natural mustard is a mix of  the best seed varieties mustard, vegetable oil, spices: Acute - with a traditional taste, and a Hot as Hell – for strong gourmets.

Chumak Fruit Smoothie Variety

"Fruzi" is a mix of natural fruits, vegetables and berries. 100% quality product, no added sugar or water. The Fruzi Pyramids are specially designed for children, so that they can replenish their energy and vitamins at any time, eating fruit food for superheroes. 100% natural

usaid agro program
Beans in tomato sauce, 500 g

Sterilized canning. Beans in tomato sauce. Ingredients: beans (41.9%), drinking water, tomato paste (5.6%), sugar, table salt, starch.

usaid agro program
Fresh garlic fr. 5+

Winter garlic of first reproduction. The weight of the head is 47 - 48 g.

Bulbs are mature, firm and dense, healthy, clean, whole, undersized, in shape and color typical of the botanical variety, with dry scales.

Produce is calibrated, pre-treated. Different varieties and different colors.

usaid agro program
Peeled garlic cloves

Peeled garlic cloves of the first or highest grade are obtained from fresh garlic varieties of Ukrainian selection. Garlic cloves are mature, firm and dense, healthy, clean, whole, without traces of mold, without traces of frost or sunburn, without excessive moisture on the surface, not germinated, without damage by agricultural pests. Products have a tangy taste and smell and are ready to use. Garlic cloves are white in color.

Oatmeal Premium №3

Oatmeal - a useful classic, rich in vitamin complex, minerals, organic acids and proteins.