

Golden Delicious

Fruits medium in size and larger than average size (120-190 g), medium in uniformity, elongated-rounded-conical, greenish-yellow sometimes with a slight orange blush and rusty mesh.

Medium thickness peel, dense, supple, smooth, dry. Flesh is yellowish-creamy, sour-sweet taste (4,5-4,6 points).

The collection season begins in late September, and the consumer season begins in January. In the store the fruits are stored until March, in the refrigerator - until May.

Transportability is high. Used mainly in fresh form and for the manufacture of dry powders.

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Red Chieff

New late winter variety. It belongs to the Deliches family.

Less demanding on soil and climatic conditions, a clone popular in the recent past American variety Red Deliches.

It is characterized by great fruits, transportability, excellent marketability and taste, elegant appearance. The variety is productive, medium resistant to scab, resistant to powdery mildew and bacterial burns. The variety is precocious.

Fruits weighing 380 g, oblong-conical, bright red. The flesh is thick, creamy, sweet with a good aroma.

Tasting score – 4,8 points. Increased consumer demand.

The ripening ripeness comes at the end of September, the consumer ripeness - in December. The fruits are transportable, well stored in June.




The fruits are large, one-dimensional, round-tapered, with a ribbed top, greenish-yellow and with intense red-carmine blurred blush almost throughout the whole surface. The skin is medium-thick, dense, smooth, and shiny. Pulp is creamy, dense, fine-grained, fleshy, odorant, of excellent sour-sweet taste.

Gala Royal

The variety was obtained in 1957 in New Zealand by breeder J. X. Kidd as a result of the crossing of Kidd Orange Orange and Golden Deliches.

Fruits rather one-dimensional, rounded or rounded-conical with a slight ribbing at the top The skin are thin, dense, dry.

The crumb is light yellow, dense and juicy with an excellent sour-sweet taste.

usaid agro program
Gala Apple

Gala with full color and slight stripes has dark red coloration across the entire surface. The fruit has a medium, conical size. It gains its color relatively late, then reaches the ideal state of maturity and time of harvest when the color has appeared.
Flavor: sweet, aromatic
Flesh: crispy, juicy

Red John Prince

Red John Prince is a new late-autumn variety of apple trees in Belgium. The variety is a clone of the widely known and popular overseas varieties Jonagold.

Harvesting is already beginning in late September.

The fruits are large, with an average mass of 200 g or more, one-dimensional, aligned, symmetrical, standard. The shape of the fruits is round-elongated, a flush of intense red to almost red-black, bright color that covers almost the entire surface of the apple.

The fruits are very attractive and in demand in the market for quality fruits in Europe and Asia.




The fruits are large, with a brownish-dark red blurred blush across the whole surface. The pulp is greenish-white, solid, fine-grained, fleshy, of good sour-sweet taste.

usaid agro program
Golden Apple

The fruit is hardly susceptible to russeting. The skin is very smooth and the fruit has a very nice shape. The apple’s flesh is yellowish, firm, crunchy and sweet, and it has a very low acid content. The harvest must take place at the right time.
Flavor: aromatic, sweet with very low acidity
Flesh: yellowish, crispy, juicy

usaid agro program
Jonaprince Apple

This apple is a color variation from the Jonagold with early coloration. It delivers a very high and regular yield of large, dark red fruit. Its flesh is very firm, tastes excellent, and the fruit can be stored easily.
Flavor: good taste, slightly sweeter
Flesh: crispy, juicy, very firm




Shape and color – fruits are round, of red-raspberry color with yellow dots and green blurred stripes, the skin is without shine, and is dry and smooth; the sizes are quite large, on average this type of apples reach the weight of 200 g; taste – Fudge’s pulp is creamy, crispy, has a delicate sweet-sour taste and a unique odor.

Jonagold apple

The fruit is round-tapered. Color: greenish-yellow, with orange-red blurred-striped fairly bright flush on 2/3 of the surface. The skin is medium thick, dense, elastic, smooth, and shiny. The pulp is yellow, dense, fleshy, of excellent, very harmonious sour-sweet taste.




They have round-tapered shape, one-dimensional, of medium or large size (160-200 g), greenish-yellow, with orange-red striped-blurred blush on most of the surface. The skin is thin, very dense, elastic and dry. Fruit is covered with a light porous wax bloom. Pulp is light cream, of medium density, very fleshy, odorant of excellent sour-sweet taste.

Renet Simirenko

The fruits are light green or bright green. The shape of the fruits is flattened round, from several tapered to flat-rounded, like in many types of Reinette; the fruits are often asymmetrical. The size of the fruits is medium or larger than medium, they reach a large size. The pulp is white, fleshy, tender. Fruits have a wine-sweet, spicy taste

Gala Schniga

They are of average size and weight from 120 to 150 grams. The main color of fruits is yellow or greenish-yellow, the cover color is expressed in the form of a striped-blurred blush of orange-red hue almost on the entire surface of the fruit. The skin is dry, thin, but dense. The pulp has a light yellow color and dense, granular structure, its taste is fleshy, sour-sweet, crisp, brittle, with a pleasant, fresh nut-caramel odor.

Gala Must

The fruit is of round-tapered shape. The most large-fruited type among the clones of the Gala cultivar, the average weight of the fruits is 160-170 g, the cover color is bright, blurred red-carmine flush on almost the whole fruit




The fruits are large, of medium weight (160-200 g) with a primary yellow-red blush. The pulp is light yellow, of medium density, very fleshy, odorant, of excellent sour-sweet taste.

Golden Delicious Aronia

The fruits are large, yellow, of round-tapered regular shape, of medium weight (160-250 g) with odor of pear. The skin is dry, dense, with light roughness, of golden light green color, later of yellow color. The pulp is greenish, dense and very fleshy. The taste is dessert, sweet.