Danube Agrarian

Danube Agrarian has 2,000 hectares of organic land, part of which is irrigated.
We grow wheat, durum wheat, millet, lentils, corn, canola, barley, peas, chickpeas, mustard, sunflowers, potatoes, onions, beets, carrots, peppers, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, cantaloupes, watermelons, plums, nectarines and peaches in our fields and gardens.
Our company also produces various certified products such as organic chicken and eggs and we are the only Ukraine's certified producers of organic duck and lamb.
The process of our products harvesting, processing and storing meets all organic certification requirements.

Organic Pumpkin Hokkaido
Pumpkin is an annual herbaceous plant with a deeply penetrating root system. Stem creeping, branched from the base, up to 10 m behind, with tendrils in the axils of the leaves. Leaves alternate, petiolate, up to 35 cm long., At the base heart-shaped, deep-lobed, toothed. The leaves and stem are covered with rough hairs.

Organic Pumpkin Butternut
Pumpkin is an annual herbaceous plant with a deeply penetrating root system. Stem creeping, from the base branched, up to 10 m behind., With tendrils in the axils of the leaves. Leaves alternate, petiolate, up to 35 cm behind., At the base heart-shaped, deep-lobed, toothed. The leaves and stem are covered with rough hairs.

Organic Pumpkin Muscat
Pumpkin is an annual herbaceous plant with a deep penetrating root system. Stem creeping, branched from the base, up to 10 m behind, with tendrils in the axils of the leaves. Leaves alternate, petiolate, up to 35 cm long., At the base heart-shaped, deep-lobed, toothed. The leaves and stem are covered with rough hairs.

Organic Garlic
Perennial plant of the onion family. It grows in Europe and Asia. consists of 2-50 teeth, each of which is covered with hard leathery scales.

Organic Sweet Potato
The edible part is sweet starchy tubers. They are up to 30 cm long and have a tender juicy flesh and a thin skin. Those that sell in our country are not much bigger than potatoes. The surface is smooth. Lack of buds is a nice bonus.