这道菜包括由 Phyllo 面团制成的轻卷,并带有羊酪和菠菜馅。
第一和第二道菜的调味料, ТМ Perchik
调味鸡,ТМ Perchik
KABANOSY- 精选冷冻肉制成,不含磷酸盐,染料,谷氨酸的高质量食品。
波兰风格猪肉风干香肠熟食,可食肠衣灌装。 超干风干工艺可将185 g生肉加工成100 g成品香肠。
带覆盆子浆果酱LIQBERRY 有机 550克
100% 均质有机覆盆子粉碎种子,包括细石部分,不使用防腐剂、糖和水。 覆盆子酱是一种强效解热和致病剂,由于水杨酸含量高,覆盆子挥发物的独特香气对病毒和病原菌有害。
浆果酱蔓越莓酱LIQBERRY 有机 100克
100% 均质带粉碎种子的有机蔓越莓,包括细石部分,不含防腐剂、糖和水。 一种强大的天然抗生素,可抑制大多数致病性、致病性和机会性细菌以及酵母样真菌的生长。 大大增强免疫系统。
Phyllo Mini-Rollinis 配干酪和香草
最喜欢的一口罗里尼,由phyllo 面团作的,里面装满了奶酪和蔬菜,适合在家烘焙。
KABANOSY- 精选冷冻肉制成,不含磷酸盐,染料,谷氨酸的高质量食品。
波兰风格辣味猪肉风干香肠熟食,可食肠衣灌装。 超干风干工艺可将185 g生肉加工成100 g成品香肠。
三格拉诺优质燕麦颗粒麦片 - 专为挑剔的顾客打造,100%天然成分,无棕榈油,无色素和防腐剂。
5 种令人难以置信的口味组合:
▪ 巧克力和草莓
▪ 混合浆果和超级食品
▪ 坚果和枣
▪ 芒果和香蕉
▪ 苹果和肉桂
Highly purified sunflower oil with a neutral taste and smell, made from high quality Ukrainian sunflower seeds without chemical treatment.
The ergonomic, firm and strong PET bottle of original design has a flat form, an oil type cap with a diameter of 36 mm. High quality self-adhesive label is applied on both sides of a bottle.
Uzvar "Lemon" is an uzvar with the addition of lemon peel. Citrus flavor with sweet apple is the best for kids. Without added sugar. The product is sterilized. Uzvar is a traditional Ukrainian beverage, that is made from dried fruits, berries, and healing Ukrainian herbs.
Ingredients: drinking water, dried fruits in a variable proportion (apples, pears, plums) (12%), fresh lemon, which is equivalent to 39.1% of fresh raw materials (fruits and berries).
有机蓝莓浆果酱 LiQberry 0.55克
100% 均质有机蓝莓,包括细石部分。 不使用防腐剂、糖和水。 建议在饮食中使用作为生物活性物质的额外来源(多酚,包括花青素、有机酸、维生素、多不饱和脂肪酸、果胶、常量和微量营养素)。
Malatko Puree (apple)
The key feature of Malatko baby purees is their 100% natural properties.
Cold processing of fresh fruits in purees production makes it possible to preserve all nutrients, vitamins, as well as freshness and flavor of specially selected fruits.
Due to the special approach to the puree preparation, Malatko puree is perfect for feeding infants in their first months.
微甜的液体带有红色调。 它是通过泡制白桦树汁(Betula pendula)和玫瑰果(Rosa canina)而形成的。机桦树汁富含碘,硒和锌,用于预防碘化细胞 是一种综合健康障碍,这是世界上最常见的非传染性疾病,并加强人类免疫之一。具有令人愉悦的特色味道和玫瑰果浸剂的余味(蜂蜜味道)。人体中的碘参与调节:能量代谢,体温;生化反应率;交换蛋白质,脂肪,水电解质代谢;一些维生素的代谢;生物体生长和发展过程,包括神经心理发育。
烤葵花仁配上香喷喷的烤花生,是一道营养丰富的小食。 精选花生种子和花生完美满足饥饿感,是一种完整的健康营养产品。
配料:燕麦片、蜂蜜、不同比例的混合干果 (葡萄干 (葡萄干,二氧化硫)、蔓越莓干)(添加量20%) 、不同比例的混合坚果(熟杏仁和熟腰果仁为主)。
Uzvar "Mint" is a classic uzvar recipe with peppermint herb. The menthol flavor is refreshing in summer. Without added sugar. Product is sterilized. Uzvar is a traditional Ukrainian beverage, that is made from dried fruits, berries and healing Ukrainian herbs.
Ingredients: drinking water, dried fruits in a variable proportion (apples, pears, plums) (15%), dried mint, which is equivalent to 38.1% of fresh raw materials (fruits, berries and herbs).
Highly purified sunflower oil with a neutral taste and smell, made from high quality Ukrainian sunflower seeds without chemical treatment.
The ergonomic, firm and strong PET bottle of original design has a flat form, an oil type cap with a diameter of 36 mm. High quality self-adhesive label is applied on both sides of a bottle.