

半甜起泡白葡萄酒。葡萄品种:白羽,霞多丽,雷司令。色泽:禾杆黄。酒精度10.0 – 13.3%。最佳饮用温度8-10度。香味:花蜜,梨,白桃果香。口味:优雅甜感。糖分:5.5 – 8.0%。

GRANOLA NUTS 烘焙燕麦片早餐, 330克,  Good morning, Granola牌



自 15 世纪以来,矿泉水“Svalyava”一直是喀尔巴阡山脉地区最受尊敬的水域之一。 “Svalyava”这个名字来源于“盐”这个词,因为它的来源富含矿物盐。 水的质量及其药用特性在欧洲受到高度赞赏:在 19 世纪末至 20 世纪初,“Svalyava”在巴黎、维也纳和布达佩斯的国际展览会上获奖。 水被归类为碳酸氢钠硼矿泉水,矿化度适中,等于 4.0-4.8g/l。


usaid agro program
带覆盆子浆果酱LIQBERRY 有机  550克

100% 均质有机覆盆子粉碎种子,包括细石部分,不使用防腐剂、糖和水。 覆盆子酱是一种强效解热和致病剂,由于水杨酸含量高,覆盆子挥发物的独特香气对病毒和病原菌有害。



usaid agro program
无糖野玫瑰果浸剂桦树汁 1.0 L (TM Bjuice)

微甜的液体带有红色调。 它是通过泡制白桦树汁(Betula pendula)和玫瑰果(Rosa canina)而形成的。机桦树汁富含碘,硒和锌,用于预防碘化细胞 是一种综合健康障碍,这是世界上最常见的非传染性疾病,并加强人类免疫之一。具有令人愉悦的特色味道和玫瑰果浸剂的余味(蜂蜜味道)。人体中的碘参与调节:能量代谢,体温;生化反应率;交换蛋白质,脂肪,水电解质代谢;一些维生素的代谢;生物体生长和发展过程,包括神经心理发育。

usaid agro program
Malatko Puree (apple)

The key feature of Malatko baby purees is their 100% natural properties.
Cold processing of fresh fruits in purees production makes it possible to preserve all nutrients, vitamins, as well as freshness and flavor of specially selected fruits.
Due to the special approach to the puree preparation, Malatko puree is perfect for feeding infants in their first months.

UZVAR Mint TM YARMOLYNTSI without sugar 0,75l

Uzvar "Mint" is a classic uzvar recipe with peppermint herb. The menthol flavor is refreshing in summer. Without added sugar. Product is sterilized. Uzvar is a traditional Ukrainian beverage, that is made from dried fruits, berries and healing Ukrainian herbs.
Ingredients: drinking water, dried fruits in a variable proportion (apples, pears, plums) (15%), dried mint, which is equivalent to 38.1% of fresh raw materials (fruits, berries and herbs).


这道菜包括由 Phyllo 面团制成的轻卷,并带有羊酪和菠菜馅。

usaid agro program

煮熏培根是一种经典的猪肉培根,具有多美食用途。 成分:猪肉(胸骨)、海盐、糖、葡萄糖、防腐剂E-250、调味“培根”。

usaid agro program
有机蓝莓浆果酱 LiQberry 0.55克

 100% 均质有机蓝莓,包括细石部分。 不使用防腐剂、糖和水。 建议在饮食中使用作为生物活性物质的额外来源(多酚,包括花青素、有机酸、维生素、多不饱和脂肪酸、果胶、常量和微量营养素)。

Sunflower oil refined deodorized 0,9L

Highly purified sunflower oil with a neutral taste and smell, made from high quality Ukrainian sunflower seeds without chemical treatment.

The ergonomic, firm and strong PET bottle of original design has a flat form, an oil type cap with a diameter of 36 mm. High quality self-adhesive label is applied on both sides of a bottle.

Mushroom Crispbreads

Mixture of vegetables and oilseeds with the addition of spices. - 100% natural ingredients.

Ingredients: fresh carrots, flax seeds, sunflower seeds, mushrooms fresh (16.67%), fresh onions, sea salt, dried dill.

Visual appearance: dried, crisp, rectangular plates, size 110h45h5 mm, with a possible inclusion of flax seeds and sunflower kernels.

Flavor and odor: typical of the product and used raw materials, without any odor and aftertaste, with a strong aroma of mushrooms.

Perfect for a healthy snack, or to top off a main meal. Breads are made from local farm products. In the production are subjected to heat treatment, dried at 42 ° C, which allows you to save all the vitamins, enzymes, cell integrity of raw materials.

Phyllo Mini-Rollinis 配干酪和香草

最喜欢的一口罗里尼,由phyllo 面团作的,里面装满了奶酪和蔬菜,适合在家烘焙。

usaid agro program



SUNSEED PREMIUM BUTCHER 半成品是对于希望减少烹饪时间的客户来说是一个绝佳的解决方案。 购买我们健康美味的产品,您会从繁琐的杂货采购体验、食物选择和烹饪时间中解脱出来。 我们精心地为您准备了最美味的碎肉、汉堡肉饼、排骨等。它们包括理想餐点所需的一切:有机香料、最优质的肉和对客户的热爱。 您只需要用您最方便的方法完成烹饪过程。


烤葵花仁配上香喷喷的烤花生,是一道营养丰富的小食。 精选花生种子和花生完美满足饥饿感,是一种完整的健康营养产品。



Sunflower oil refined deodorized  1.8L

Highly purified sunflower oil with a neutral taste and smell, made from high quality Ukrainian sunflower seeds without chemical treatment.

The ergonomic, firm and strong PET bottle of original design has a flat form, an oil type cap with a diameter of 36 mm. High quality self-adhesive label is applied on both sides of a bottle.




三格拉诺优质燕麦颗粒麦片 - 专为挑剔的顾客打造,100%天然成分,无棕榈油,无色素和防腐剂。

5 种令人难以置信的口味组合:

▪  巧克力和草莓

▪  混合浆果和超级食品

▪  坚果和枣

▪  芒果和香蕉

▪  苹果和肉桂

GRANOLA Light CHOCOLATE 烘焙燕麦片早餐, 55克,  Good morning, Granola牌

配料:燕麦片、巧克力(添加量18%) 、( 可可液块、可可脂、卵磷脂乳化剂)、蜂蜜、杏仁片、可可粉。