

Berry drink concentrate TM

Natural fruit and berry concentrates are a pasteurized mixture of berry pulp, fruit, herbs, spices, and sugar.


• Ginger with honey and lime

• Sea buckthorn with an apple

• Sea buckthorn with thyme

• Currants with basil

• Cranberry with orange

• Blueberry with raspberry

• Orange with mint

• Raspberries with passion fruit

• Mango with ginger

• Goji berries with lemon

How it works:

Pour the contents of the sachet into a cup, fill the cup with 250ml of boiling/cold water, and stir. Tea or a cooling drink is ready.


KABANOSY- 精选冷冻肉制成,不含磷酸盐,染料,谷氨酸的高质量食品。

波兰风格鸡肉风干香肠熟食,可食肠衣灌装。 超干风干工艺可将185 g生肉加工成100 g成品香肠。

usaid agro program

独特的浓缩天然甜味。 以及富含维生素、微量元素、酶、氨基酸和膳食纤维。

只有西瓜:没有添加剂!低对流晒干温度。残余湿度 - 只有 6-8%。

含有维生素 A、B1、B2、B6、B9(叶酸)、C、E、PP 和矿物质镁、钾、钙、磷、铁、钠等。





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“Norway Salmon” salted and dried fish sticks

Norway salmon contains a higher % of fresh salmon; it is made of salmon and codfish, which makes it light, porous and delicate. Exquisite in its shape and taste, 'Norway Salmon' gently falls apart in one's mouth.

The product is also available in various packaging: in small box- 50x36 g; in a medium box (120x36 g, 8x1 kg, 12x0.5 kg); in a big box (230x36 g, 15x1 kg, 20x0.5 kg).
The Warm Seas ltd provide custom blue-marine- beige packaging for the English-speaking, Polish- speaking, German-speaking and other countries. Please, inquire for more details, and photographs of the packaging.








煮熏猪肉培根是经典的猪肉培根,具有多种美食用途。 成分:猪肉(牛腩)、盐、糖、葡萄糖、增味剂621、调味“火腿”。

Chocolate - Orange сandies

Mixture of chopped dried fruits and nuts with the addition of fresh orange peel and cocoa - 100% natural ingredients.

Ingredients: dried dates, light raisins, walnuts, cocoa powder (3.0%), orange peel (1.5%).

Visual appearance: round candies up to 20 mm in size, encrusted in cocoa.

May have slight deformation.

Allow for an rough surface and a slight sprinkling of surface treatment.

Color: brown (typical for this type of product according to the recipe).

Taste and odor: typical for the product and the raw material used, without extraneous odor and flavor.




由Phyllo Dough 和小牛肉馅制成的轻馅饼,装入特殊的高温烘烤箱中,便于家庭烘焙。

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无糖薄荷有机桦树汁 1.0 L(TM''Spring Drops'')

一种带绿色调的甜味液体,由桦树汁液 (Betula pendula) 注入薄荷 (Mentha piperita) 形成。它具有清爽的薄荷味和气味。每 100 克产品仅含 4 kcal。它在东欧被用作治疗和预防措施。它被广泛用于一些肺部疾病、支气管炎,作为滋补品。桦树汁具有净化、抗炎、利尿作用,促进代谢产物的快速释放,对由体内代谢紊乱引起的中毒很有价值。

大麦米,TM Taki Spravy

大麦米适用于所有场合的菜肴,因为它包含有用的元素,含有多种维生素并且味道很好! 其营养价值的秘诀很简单:最少的加工保留了谷物的保护壳,富含人体所需的物质。 用水或牛奶做 TM “Taki Spravy” 的大麦,加入黄油和香料 - 享受美妙的味道。

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奶酪软融化的“切达干酪”干物质(立方体)占总脂肪含量的 45%,TM Lel

奶酪软融化的“切达干酪”干物质(立方体)占总脂肪含量的 45%,TM Lel

usaid agro program
无糖荨麻浸剂有机桦树汁 1.0 L(TM ''Spring Drops'')

具有绿色色调的微甜液体,其通过在异株荨麻(Urtica Dioica L)上泡制白桦树汁(Betula pendula)而形成。它具有荨麻输液的特征性和味道。结合了异株荨麻汁的治疗特性和桦树汁。特别是建议为肺,痔疮,肠出血的荨麻输注。用作一般加强剂。桦树汁具有净血,抗炎,利尿的效果,有助于从代谢物的快速释放,并且违反身体代谢过程引起的毒害中的有价值。

“ONE BIТЕ HOT&SPICY”波兰风格辣味猪肉香肠

KABANOSY- 精选冷冻肉制成,不含磷酸盐,染料,谷氨酸的高质量食品。

波兰风格辣味猪肉风干香肠熟食,可食肠衣灌装。 超干风干工艺可将185 g生肉加工成100 g成品香肠。

«EL CAPITAN» 起泡干白葡萄酒

起泡干白葡萄酒。葡萄品种:黑皮诺,霞多丽。色泽:禾杆黄。酒精度11.5%。最佳饮用温度7 - 9度。香味:梨,夏季苹果浓郁果香,洋槐,珊瑚花明快花香。口味:爽利,活力。

usaid agro program
Malatko Puree (Peach)

The key feature of Malatko baby purees is their 100% natural properties.
Cold processing of fresh fruits in purees production makes it possible to preserve all nutrients, vitamins, as well as freshness and flavor of specially selected fruits.
Due to the special approach to the puree preparation, Malatko puree is perfect for feeding infants in their first months.



GRANOLA Light FRUITS 烘焙燕麦片早餐, 55克,  Good morning, Granola牌

配料:燕麦片、不同比例的混合干果  (葡萄干 (葡萄干,二氧化硫)、蔓越莓干)(添加量20%) 、蜂蜜、杏仁片。

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