Production of soft-melted cheeses, milk-containing soft-melted and albumin cheese products, protein-fat soft-melted and albumin products, albumin cheeses in the assortment.

Cheese product Pizza Cheese 31% (gas/electric), ТМ Lel', 1 kg

Milk curd soft melted "Pizza Cheese, gas and electric ovens" 31% of total fat in dry matter (cube), TM Lel`

Dairy curd soft melted "Pizza Cheese, wood ovens" 45% of total fat in dry matter (cube), TM Lel'
Dairy curd soft melted "Pizza Cheese, wood ovens" 45% of total fat in dry matter (cube), TM Lel'

Dairy curd soft melted "Pizza Cheese, wood ovens", TM Lel'

Soft melted cheese "Cheddarella" 45% of total fat in dry matter (cube), TM Lel'

Production method: produced from raw milk curdling enzyme with lactic acid bacteria, with subsequent chederization and special thermomechanical treatment.
Cylindrical bars are packed in rectangular bags, with overall dimensions: 0.160 × 0.350 mm. Packed under vacuum.
The surface is clean with no mechanical damage, elastic, and allowed the presence of a print perforation. Color: from white to yellow, uniform throughout the mass.
The taste is mildly cottage cheese, sour milk, without additional flavors and odors, typical of a particular cheese. Allowed: slightly sour, spicy, tangy, ammonia, salty taste with a slight bitterness.

Production method: produced from raw milk curdling enzyme with lactic acid bacteria, with subsequent chederization and special thermomechanical treatment.
Small fractions without the crust (size 4x4 mm), no foreign objects and admixtures, dry, no moisture, no hard lumps. Color: from white to yellow, uniform throughout the mass.
The taste is mildly cottage cheese, sour milk, without additional flavors and odors, typical of a particular cheese. Allowed: slightly sour, spicy, tangy, ammonia, salty taste with a slight bitterness.

Albumin cheese "Ricotta Classic" is a product, the main component of which is albumin, produced by appropriate production technology from whey, obtained by thermal acid coagulation, with the addition of cream and subsequent thermo-mechanical processing.