乌克兰德国合资公司“ Truff Royal”于2005年成立。公司座右铭在2015年修制为:生产对健康无害的创新食品。 Truff Royal糖果的美味秘诀在于其选用的优质原料。为满足技术工艺,产品均采用符合国际标准,严格质量控制的现代化设备制造。积累的市场经验以及不容低估的全球趋势促使公司成功开发并生产创新产品。产品无论在食用方式还是外形设计上均达到乌克兰市场独一无二。
我们公司从2007年开始生产“快餐”产品。 2013年我们开始生产肉类零食。 迄今为止,我们公司生产的产品在乌克兰几乎所有的零售连锁店均有销售。 我们产品的经销商是乌克兰零食市场的领导者。 2019年进入欧洲市场,在波兰开设肉类零食生产线。 如今波兰分部的产品销往英国、捷克共和国、斯洛伐克和波兰。
阿宝龙是一家纵向一体化集团,主要生产啤酒,软饮料,低酒精饮料和矿泉水。集团下属包括坐落在基辅市的欧洲最大啤酒厂,以及乌克兰境内9家分公司。40年来,阿宝龙集团不断引进创新生产技术,装备欧洲领先的Ziemann,KHS,Krones等公司的酿酒,灌装和包装生产线。 阿宝龙集团是乌克兰最大的啤酒出口商。仅2019年,公司产品就进入了拉丁美洲和非洲的6个新市场,如今出口地域超过60个国家。 2008年创造的年销售记录为11,11亿升。截至2020年,公司在职员工7,500名。
Confectionary Factory "POLUS" was established in 1996.
The first product, released by "POLUS" company, was our legendary bar "Polus", which has been a favorite delicacy of Ukrainian people for more than 20 years. This bar gained incredible popularity because of its nutritious, rich taste, convenient format, and natural and high-quality components. "Polus" bar with the hazelnuts is the basis of our confectionery manufacturing. For its production, we purchase the high-quality Georgian hazelnuts and cocoa of the best grades.
In our products, we do not use preservatives, coloring agents, and GMOs.
The main priority of the Confectionary Factory "POLUS" is the quality. Products of Company "POLUS" is certified according to Food Safety Management System HACCP ISO 22000 and FSSC 22000. Entering new markets, we are ready to receive all the necessary certificates to fully comply with the standards of the importing country. So, in the beginning of 2017, we received the HALAL certificate. In addition, there is a certified laboratory on the basis of our Company.
Confectionary Factory "POLUS" has a flexible production, great technical and technological capabilities. We produce a wide range of waffle products: wafer bars, weighted wafers, sweets, gift cakes and waffle semi-finished products. Currently, the Confectionary Factory "POLUS" successfully enters new markets in the countries of Europe and Middle Asia.
We follow all the leading market trends in the field of sales and production.
We follow the preferences of our customer and try to supply it with the quality and delicious product.
同样的,在带有吹风机的特殊设备上缓慢冷却 - 保留了烤种子的明亮味道和气味。我们把产品包装在带有金属化层的 3 层薄膜里,产品长时间保持明亮的味道和香气。
重要的是,我们的产品通过了欧洲食品安全管理标准 ISO 22000 的认证。根据各种版本TM“Homka”多次被授予最佳产品奖赏。
Production of unrefined vegetable oils EXTRA VIRGIN (corn, sunflower, garlic, pumpkin, linen, walnut, mustard, amaranth, hemp, milk thistle, sea buckthorn, sesame, grape, rose hips, soybeans, cherry tomatoes, sugar-free dietary foods (snacks, granules, cereal bars, crisps and flakes with spirulina, kelp and sea salt, sun dried fruits, vegetables and berries, cereal mixes for salads, instant cereals). The products are manufactured using modern vitamin-preserving technologies.
Slaughtering of cattle and production of beef in half-carcasses, quarters, block meat, large chunks, by-products and meat semi-finished products.
Slaughterhouse - 07550, Kyiv region, Baryshivsky district, village Yabluneve, Promyslova street. Slaughter on average 130 head/day.
The final product - beef meat in the quarter.
Meat-processing shop - 07501, Baryshivka village, 123/2 Kotsyubynskyi str.
Deboning, feeding of meat, processing of by-products. Freezing and storage. Deboning an average of 30 tons / day. The final products - block sorted meat, one-piece, large bites, by-products and meat semi-finished products.
“肉类加工厂”Yatran” ALC(肉类加工厂YATRAN“ALC)是乌克兰最大的肉类加工企业之一,主要特点之一是创新、新鲜肉类的高品质和肉制品的非凡口味。
以 FSSC 22000 质量体系运行的现代化屠宰场为业务合作伙伴提供了仅供应优质猪肉和牛肉的机会。 2021 年麦当劳成功通过审核,成为其在牛肉、猪肉和培根供应方面的官方合作伙伴。
“ 肉类加工厂“Yatran” ALC的产品范围包括生熏、熏、煮和熏熟肉制品。 该公司在市场上占据强势地位,积极与零售连锁店和HoReCa部门合作。
Arkmen - 快速发展企业,专业生产核桃坚果甜食产品。 产品包括:巧克力核桃,花生,水果,椰味包,坚果巧克力棒,盐卤,辣口核桃,生核桃等。产品现代包装设计精美。
«Chigirin cannery» LLC is a producer of high-quality canned fruits and vegetables and juices.
One of the main principles we are guided in our work is naturalness! All the raw materials used in the production, we grow ourselves, and that is why we are confident that our products are of exceptionally high quality. We do not use dyes, fragrances or other chemical additives throughout the entire production cycle.
We guarantee impeccable taste and naturalness of our products.
Producing sweets and snacks from dry fruits and berries.
Interprice Corporation LLC is a manufacturer and exporter of high-quality packaged deodorized deodorized frozen sunflower oil P.The company's products are sunflower oil of the highest degree of purification with a neutral taste and smell, made from sunflower seeds of Ukrainian origin of high quality.
Our products meet all the requirements of the State Standard of Ukraine DSTU 4492:2017 "Sunflower oil. Technical conditions, "as well as high requirements and standards of other countries, including the EU countries.
The company annually increases production capacity. Thanks to modern high-tech and energy-saving equipment from leading European manufacturers, the harmful impact on the environment is minimized, and the productivity and quality of products are maintained at a high level.
Modern systems and technologies for further processing of oil, high automation of all processes, control of each stage of production and qualified personnel guarantee high standards of product quality, which is confirmed by certificates of conformity and safety of food products HACCP (ISO 22000: 2018, ISO 22000: 2007, IDT).
Pastourelle 是乌克兰第一家也是唯一一家按照经典的法国传统生产白霉贵族软奶酪的生产商,并通过现代安全和环保技术加强。 自 2014 年以来,我们生产布里奶酪、卡门培尔干酪,经过各种面包屑和洗涤,保证滋味无穷。 我们还为自己的奶酪配方申请了专利——Altincheese 和 Cremazhur。 这样我们把乌克兰载入到世界精致软奶酪的历史。
我们公司生产各种威化饼、果仁糖和玉米饼干。 我们的经验可以追溯到 2003 年,每天我们都在努力扩大产品范围并提高产品的质量。 我们热爱我们所做的一切,并花费所有时间来确保我们客户对我们的合作满意。 我们可以以我们的品牌和自有品牌生产产品。 我们期待着你们每一个人,并期待着欢迎你们加入 Nektar 大家庭。
„Carpaty-enjoy“ 是一个乌克兰品牌,在喀尔巴阡山脉的中心生产优质产品。我们专注于生产果汁、果酱、果汁水和罐装蔬菜,因此我们精心挑选生长在生态清洁的喀尔巴阡地区的水果。这是用热爱创造的产品,这是我们引以为豪的品质。
- 生态,因为它收集在干净的地区,在喀尔巴阡山脉
- 健康,因为水果是当季收获的,没有冷冻
- 美味,因为它是按照传统食谱制作的
- 不含染料、香料和人工防腐剂
Medovyi Spas LLC 是乌克兰首批具有工业规模的技术蜂蜜啤酒厂之一。天然蜂蜜饮料是最无价的礼物。我们公司提供一种饮料,打破了人们对蜂蜜饮料过于甜而浓烈的刻板印象,并带来了一种新的口味——Cikera。 Cikera 是一种酒精饮料,由天然蜂蜜、浆果汁和直接压榨的水果制成的,不添加糖和酒精。这些成分的和谐组合赋予了这款饮品细腻的花香、浓郁的口感和独特的回味。蜂蜜发酵技术和直接提取的天然果汁用于制造斧头。不含甜味剂、增香剂或染料。得益于发酵技术,该饮料保留了蜂蜜和果汁中所有有用的微量元素。 Sikera 是各种蜂蜜口味的真正爆发。它与传统菜肴相得益彰。 “Chervona Sikera”在寒冷的冬天暖和起来会很好和,而冷藏的“Medova Osoblyva”将是炎热夏日的完美结局。
The House of Vintage cognacs 是乌克兰最大的干邑产品生产商之一。这里诞生了真正的乌克兰老式干邑——拥有完整干邑生产周期的企业生产,从自己种植葡萄开始,获取酿酒原料,在干邑烈酒中蒸馏,然后在橡木桶中陈酿 6 年以上并装瓶. 1970年至2020年,Tavria PJSC在国际品酒比赛和展览获得146金、83银、38铜、5个特别奖和9个大奖赛奖。