Skimmed milk powder, 25 kg
Powdered milk is made from natural pasteurized milk by condensing and drying in special devices. Thanks to this technology, milk powder retains almost all the useful properties.
Product manufactured from pasteurized normalized cow's milk extra class by wet evaporation and preservation.
Color: white with a cream tint, uniform in mass. Taste and aroma: sweet, pure with expressed taste of pasteurized milk, without side effects and sent. Manufactured under DSTU 4274: 2003. Meets the requirements of the legislation of Ukraine and the European Union.
Ingredients: skimmed milk, sugar (13.98%), cream, milk sugar.
Ingredients: whole cow's milk, white crystalline sugar (not less than 45%), milk sugar (lactose).
Condensed milk with sugar is made from whole cow milk, skimmed milk powder, cream, sugar and water. The appearance is consistent throughout the mass. The color is white with a creamy hue.
Ingredients: dry whey, white crystalline sugar, vegetable (palm) oil, skimmed milk powder, milk sugar (lactose).
The product is made from dairy raw materials extracted from the processing of extra-class cow's milk by evaporating some of the moisture with the addition of vegetable fats and canning with sugar. Color: uniform throughout. From white to light cream. Taste and aroma: sweet, pure with expressed taste of pasteurized milk, without side effects and sent.
It is made according to the requirements of TU U 15.5-00381152-001.
Meets the requirements of Ukraine and the European Union.
Ingredients: Concentrated demineralized whey, sugar (45%), skimmed milk, cream, Lactose.
The product is made from normalized cow's milk of extra class by evaporating moisture in vacuum evaporators and canning sugar with the addition of cocoa powder. The product has a sweet taste and aroma of natural cocoa condensed milk and milk chocolate color. It is made according to the requirements of DSTU 4275: 2003. It meets the requirements of the legislation of Ukraine and the European Union.
Ingredients: skimmed milk, sugar (19.1%), cream, cocoa powder (7%), milk sugar.
Ingredients: Whole cow's milk, white crystalline sugar (not less than 43.5%), milk sugar (lactose)
Ingredients: Whole cow's milk, white crystalline sugar (not less than 43.5%), milk sugar (lactose)
Skimmed milk powder
Ingredients: whole cow's milk
Ingredients: whole cow's milk, white crystalline sugar (not less than 43.5%), milk sugar (lactose)
The product is made from normalized cow's milk of extra class by evaporation of moisture in vacuum evaporators and preservation of sugar with subsequent high-temperature sterilization. Color: light brown to dark brown, uniform throughout.
Taste and aroma: sweet, clean, with a pronounced taste of sugar-infused milk, with no foreign taste and odor.
It is made according to the requirements of TU U 15.5-00381152-001.
It meets the requirements of Ukraine and the European Union.
Ingredients: skimmed milk, sugar (13.98%), cream, milk sugar.
The product is made from dairy raw materials extracted from the processing of extra-class cow's milk by evaporating some of the moisture with the addition of vegetable fats and canning with sugar and cocoa powder. The product has a sweet taste and aroma of natural cocoa condensed milk and milk chocolate color.
It is made according to the requirements of TU U 15.5-00381152-001.
Meets the requirements of Ukraine and the European Union.
Ingredients: Concentrated demineralized whey, sugar (27.5%), skimmed milk, cream, cocoa powder (2.3%), milk sugar, flavor "vanilla".
Ingredients: Whole cow's milk, white crystalline sugar (not less than 45%), milk sugar (lactose).