Liluck Ltd. – representative of the group of companies producing high-quality eco-friendly natural products, such as juices and conservation, exclusively in glass containers, which can be seen in every corner of Ukraine, Europe and the United States, under their own brands GLYBKON and Spring drops, sharing brand Alikend, and other private brands. Our history starts since 2001.
We are leaders in the preparation and realization of organic birch sap in Ukraine, winners of many prestigious competitions and exhibitions, the owners of numerous awards for quality of our products. Group members are also engaged in collecting wild herbs, using them in their production. Production is located in the village Glybokaya, Chernivtsi region. It is a countryside at the foothills of the Carpathians, in absolutely pure and pristine areas, where nature shares its gifts with us. All raw materials used for the manufacture of products is closely checked on incoming inspection. During the production process, at all its phases, we use several intermediate quality checks. Also production is checked after getting to the finished product warehouse and before sending it to the consumer. Ancient traditions and modern technologies, operation with unique eco-friendly raw materials and exceptionally high quality products makes Liluck Ltd. unique among other brands.
Food safety in the understanding of of “LILUCK” Ltd. is a creation of conditions at the enterprise, that can produce a safe product, effective control at each stage of the process; and reliable system of supervision over quality and production.

A clear, low-calorie, sweetish liquid that is extracted from birch (Betula pendula) during the spring sap movement, flowing out of holes formed in the trunk by root pressure. Contains glucose, fructose, and minerals (including K, Ca, Fe). It is used as a therapeutic and prophylactic measure. It is widely used for some lung diseases, bronchitis, as a v-strengthening agent. Birch sap has a cleansing, anti-inflammatory, diuretic effect, promotes the rapid release of the body of metabolic products, and is valuable in intoxication caused by a violation of metabolic processes in the body.

A sweetish liquid with a greenish hue, which is made by infusing birch sap (Betula pendula) on peppermint (Mentha piperita). It has a refreshing minty taste and smell. Contains only 4 kcal per 100 grams of the product. Used as a therapeutic and preventive measure in Eastern Europe. It has wide application in some lung diseases, bronchitis, as a v-strengthening agent. Birch sap has a cleansing, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, promotes the rapid release of the body of metabolic products, and is valuable in intoxication caused by a violation of metabolic processes in the body.

A sweetish liquid with a greenish tint, which is made by infusion of birch sap (Betula pendula) on the nettle (Urtica dioica L). Has a characteristic taste and smell of nettle infusion. Combines therapeutic properties of nettle and birch sap. In particular nettle infusion is recommended for pulmonary, hemorrhoids, intestinal bleeding. Used as a general tonic. Birch sap has a cleansing, anti-inflammatory, diuretic effect, promotes the rapid release of the body of metabolic products, and is valuable in intoxication caused by a violation of metabolic processes in the body.

Transparent liquid with a yellowish tint, which is made by infusion of birch sap (Betula pendula) and fresh lemons (Citrus × Limon). It has a characteristic taste and smell of lemon infusion, has a refreshing taste, and a pleasant lemonade aftertaste. Used as a general tonic, and as metabolic stimulant in the body. Birch sap has a cleansing, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, promotes the rapid release of the body of metabolic products, and is valuable in intoxication caused by a violation of metabolic processes in the body.

A sweetish liquid with a slight red tint. It is made by infusion of birch sap (Betula pendula) and rose hips (Rosa canina). Has a pleasant characteristic taste and aftertaste of rosehip infusion (honey flavor). Rosehip infusion has diuretic, styptic, and astringent action. Rose hips reduce blood cholesterol levels, slow the deposition of atherosclerotic plaques in blood vessels. Birch sap has a cleansing, anti-inflammatory, diuretic effect, promotes the rapid release of products of metabolism, and is valuable in intoxication caused by a violation of metabolic processes in the body.

A sweetish liquid with a slight red tint. It is made by infusion of birch sap (Betula pendula) and rosehip fruit (Rosa canina). Juice enriched with iodine, selenium, and zinc to prevent iodine deficiency - a complex health disorder is one of the most common non-infectious diseases in the world and strengthens human immunity. It has a pleasant characteristic taste and aftertaste of rosehip infusion (honey flavor). Iodine in the human body is involved in the regulation: energy metabolism, body temperature rate of biochemical reactions; metabolism of proteins, fats, water-electrolyte metabolism, metabolism of some vitamins, growth, and development of the body, including neuro-psychological development.

Sweetish liquid with a yellowish tint, which is made by mixing birch juice (Betula pendula) ginger juice (Zingiber officinale), and lime (Citrus × aurantiifolia). It has a refreshing taste and smells with a pleasant light aftertaste of ginger. Juice enriched with iodine, selenium, and zinc to prevent iodine deficiency - a complex health disorder is one of the most common non-communicable diseases in the world and strengthens human immunity. Iodine in the human body is involved in the regulation of energy metabolism, body temperature rate of biochemical reactions; protein, fat, water-electrolyte exchange; metabolism of some vitamins; growth and development of the body, including neuropsychological development.

Transparent liquid with a yellowish tint, which is made by infusion of birch sap (Betula pendula) and fresh lemons (Citrus × Limon). It has a characteristic taste and smell of lemon infusion, has a refreshing taste, and a pleasant lemonade aftertaste. Juice enriched with iodine, selenium, and zinc to prevent iodine deficiency - a complex health disorder is one of the most common non-infectious diseases in the world and strengthens human immunity. It has a pleasant characteristic taste and aftertaste of rosehip infusion (honey flavor). Iodine in the human body is involved in the regulation: energy metabolism, body temperature rate of biochemical reactions; metabolism of proteins, fats, water-electrolyte exchange, metabolism of some vitamins, growth, and development of the body, including neuro-psychological development.

A sweetish liquid with a greenish tint, which is made by infusing of birch sap (Betula pendula) on peppermint (Mentha piperita). It has a refreshing minty taste and smell. Juice enriched with iodine, selenium, and zinc to prevent iodine deficiency - a complex health disorder is one of the most common non-communicable diseases in the world and strengthens human immunity. Iodine in the human body is involved in the regulation: energy metabolism, body temperature rate of biochemical reactions; protein, fat, water-electrolyte metabolism; metabolism of some vitamins; growth and development of the body, including neuro-psychological development.