Company is processing (filtration, homogenization and packaging) natural honey, namely: goldenrod, coriander, acacia, lime, buckwheat, sunflower and mixed herbs.
The high quality of our products is ensured by a multi-stage control system and modern research methods.
Taking into account the peculiarities of honey origin, its specificity, its wide use, on the one hand, and the worsening ecological situation in the world - on the other hand, the high requirements to its quality and safety are quite understandable and justified.
API-TRADE cares about preserving the natural properties of the honey, and monitors each stage of production, processing and packaging.

Natural acacia honey
Type of honey: Acacia honey
Characteristics (color, density, taste, smell): The color is light, liquid in consistency (almost no crystallization), sweet, without foreign flavors, delicate pleasant smell.
Medicinal properties: has a restorative effect, increases the body's resistance, regulates the function of the intestines, harmless sleeping pills, useful in diseases of the genitourinary system. Recommended for diabetes.

Natural linden honey
Type of honey: Linden
Characteristics (color, density, taste, smell): The color is light yellow, liquid in consistency, sweet, without foreign flavors, delicate pleasant smell.
Medicinal properties: very nutritious, so it quickly restores the exhaustion of the body. Bouquet of vitamins ensured its wide use in folk medicine.

Natural buckwheat honey
Type of honey: Buckwheat.
Characteristics (color, density, taste, smell): The color is dark, very viscous in consistency, sweet with a bitterness, a sharp specific smell.
Medicinal properties: very rich with iron, so it is extremely useful for the process of blood restoration, strengthens the heart muscles, helps with cholelithiasis.

Natural herbs honey
Type of honey: Herbs
Characteristics (color, taste, smell): color from light yellow to light brown, a wide range of flavors and delicate pleasant smell.
Medicinal properties: has a general tonic effect, enriches the body with vitamins and trace elements, gives energy, useful for lung diseases, bronchitis, asthma, heart disease and vascular disease.

Natural goldenrod honey
Type of honey: Goldenrod
Characteristics (color, density, taste, smell): Golden-yellow color, not very rare in consistency, sweet, distinctive taste and smell.
Medicinal properties: used in gastroenterology, well thinning sputum in diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Natural coriander honey
Type of honey: Coriander honey.
Characteristics (color, density, taste, smell): Yellow in color with different shades, not very rare in consistency, sweet, distinctive taste and smell. These varieties have different colors, but necessarily dark, up to black in color, viscous in consistency, less sweet than floral, with a sour or brackish aftertaste.
Medicinal properties:
Has long been considered a "male" honey, because it is recommended to eat it for impotence. It revitalizes the cardiovascular system, helps recovery after heart attacks and strokes, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, in the treatment of the cardiovascular system and respiratory tract. Excellent detoxification of the body.

Natural sunflower honey
Type of honey: Sunflower honey
Characteristics (color, density, taste, smell):
Color yellow, liquid in consistency (quickly crystallizing), sweet, without foreign flavors, has a delicate pleasant smell.
Therapeutic properties:
Has a general tonic effect, enriches the body with vitamins and trace elements, saturates with energy.

Gift set of honey
A gift set, which includes 7 types of honey, in glass jars of 250 grams, namely: (acacia, linden, buckwheat, coriander, goldenrod, sunflower and mixed herbs).
The perfect gift for any occasion.