

usaid agro program
浆果酱樱桃蜂蜜LIQBERRY 165克

蜂蜜樱桃酱中的一种重要成分是生育酚(维生素 E),它能刺激所有内脏器官的工作,包括内分泌腺。 它会改善生殖功能、皮肤、粘膜和头发。 生育酚与维生素原 A 一起调节免疫系统,促进青春和长寿。 草药蜂蜜含有许多有用的成分。 这些是生物素、维生素PP和B、锰、氟、钴、铁、钙、铜、锌,这些成分很容易被人体消化。

GRANOLA CHOCOLATE 烘焙燕麦片早餐, 330克,  Good morning, Granola牌

配料:燕麦片、巧克力(添加量22%) 、( 可可液块、可可脂、卵磷脂乳化剂)、蜂蜜、不同比例的混合坚果(熟杏仁和熟腰果仁为主)、可可粉。





半甜起泡白葡萄酒。葡萄品种:白羽,霞多丽,雷司令。色泽:禾杆黄。酒精度10.0 – 13.3%。最佳饮用温度8-10度。香味:花蜜,梨,白桃果香。口味:优雅甜感。糖分:5.5 – 8.0%。





来自 Viteo Hemp 的大麻能量棒是一种由天然成分制成的功能性食品。 不含糖和防腐剂RAW,素食。 成份:

– 清洗过的大麻种子;

- 大麻蛋白

– 清洗过的葵花籽

- 枣子。


它是一种由Phyllo Dough 制成的轻馅饼,夹有樱桃和蛋奶糊的馅料,装入特殊的高温烘烤箱中,便于家庭烘焙。


KABANOSY- 精选冷冻肉制成,不含磷酸盐,染料,谷氨酸的高质量食品。

波兰风格奶酪味鸡肉风干香肠熟食,可食肠衣灌装。 超干风干工艺可将185 g生肉加工成100 g成品香肠。

usaid agro program
无糖柠檬浸剂有机桦树汁 1.0 L(TM ''Spring Drops'')

具有黄色色调的微甜液体,其通过在柠檬(Citrus × limon)上泡制白桦树汁(Betula pendula)而形成。它具有柠檬的特征性和味道。柠檬的特征味道和味道,享受令人耳目一新的味道和宜人的柠檬水。特别是建议为肺,痔疮,肠出血的荨麻输注。用作一般加强剂。桦树汁具有净血,抗炎,利尿的效果,有助于从代谢物的快速释放,并且违反身体代谢过程引起的毒害中的有价值。  


成分:100%猪肉、水、辛辣芳香混合物、麦芽糖糊精、葡萄糖、香料(芥末、白胡椒、生姜、马郁兰、五香粉)、水解玉米蛋白、抗氧化剂 E316、增味剂 E621、香料提取物(杜松、黑胡椒,白胡椒,香菜,肉豆蔻),火腿,苹果,枫糖浆和柠檬,马铃薯淀粉,马铃薯淀粉钠,胭脂红染料调味剂。


自 15 世纪以来,矿泉水“Svalyava”一直是喀尔巴阡山脉地区最受尊敬的水域之一。 “Svalyava”这个名字来源于“盐”这个词,因为它的来源富含矿物盐。 水的质量及其药用特性在欧洲受到高度赞赏:在 19 世纪末至 20 世纪初,“Svalyava”在巴黎、维也纳和布达佩斯的国际展览会上获奖。 水被归类为碳酸氢钠硼矿泉水,矿化度适中,等于 4.0-4.8g/l。



Mixture of chopped dried fruits and nuts with the addition of cocoa and green buckwheat kernels - 100% natural ingredients.

Ingredients: dark raisins, dried cherries, cocoa butter (7.9%), walnuts, almonds (7.9%), buckwheat green kernel, cocoa powder (2.6%), cocoa beans (2.6%).

Taste and odor: typical of the raw materials included in the composition.

Color: dark brown (inherent in this type of product according to the recipe). Visual appearance: a rectangular bar measuring 90x30mm.

The surface is dry and not sticky.

Mushroom Crispbreads

Mixture of vegetables and oilseeds with the addition of spices. - 100% natural ingredients.

Ingredients: fresh carrots, flax seeds, sunflower seeds, mushrooms fresh (16.67%), fresh onions, sea salt, dried dill.

Visual appearance: dried, crisp, rectangular plates, size 110h45h5 mm, with a possible inclusion of flax seeds and sunflower kernels.

Flavor and odor: typical of the product and used raw materials, without any odor and aftertaste, with a strong aroma of mushrooms.

Perfect for a healthy snack, or to top off a main meal. Breads are made from local farm products. In the production are subjected to heat treatment, dried at 42 ° C, which allows you to save all the vitamins, enzymes, cell integrity of raw materials.


炼乳由特级鲜牛奶经消毒浓缩加糖制成。 产品味甜,均体,粘稠,入口巴氏牛奶味。色泽呈白到浅黄色。 生产工艺执行15.5-00381152-001规范。 符合乌克兰和欧洲联盟的食品安全要求。


Varenyky with potato

Complete range of TM ProstoYizha:

Pelmeni with pork meat;

Pelmeni with chicken meat;

Pelmeni with turkey meat;

Varenyky with potato;

Varenyky with potato and liver;

Varenyky with potato and mushrooms;

Varenyky with sweet cottage cheese.


美味又营养的小吃。 向日葵仁因其高含量的维生素 E 而受到重视,维生素 E 具有抗炎特性,是一种强大的抗氧化剂。 它还含有维生素 A、D、B6 和 PP,它们负责神经细胞的正常功能并参与它们的恢复。

usaid agro program
无糖柠檬浸剂有机桦树汁 1.0 L, (TM Bjuice)

具有黄色色调的微甜液体,其通过在柠檬(Citrus × limon)上泡制白桦树汁(Betula pendula)而形成。它具有柠檬的特征性和味道。柠檬的特征味道和味道,享受令人耳目一新的味道和宜人的柠檬水。这种果汁富含碘、硒和锌,可预防碘缺乏症是一种复杂的健康疾病,这是世界上最常见的非传染性疾病之一,并增强人体免疫系统。  



Fruit water is a refreshing drink, made from berry or fruit juice of direct pressure and water with the addition of sugar syrup. A distinctive feature of fruit water is the content of tannins and astringents, which give the drink a unique taste and a long aftertaste.
Cranberry fruit water is the top line of drinks of TM YARMOLYNTSI.
It is made exclusively from forest wild berries. Cranberries from the forests of Polissya are harvested and cleaned by hand. This is the most nutritionally valuable berry of all, that grows in Ukraine.
The peculiarity of cranberry is that it contains the most active antioxidants, that resist inflammatory processes in the human body, including the strongest inhibition of the growth of cancer cells.
The most refined among non-alcoholic drinks, for the most demanding customers, produced according to traditional technology. It has an intense aftertaste.
Product sterilized.


成分:生肉——93%(半脂猪肉、一级上等牛肉、腊肠猪油、鸡肉)、水、牛奶、盐、鸡蛋、香料(白胡椒、芥末、姜、五香粉、豆蔻)、葡萄糖、 抗氧化剂 E300、蔗糖、香料提取物(黑胡椒、肉豆蔻、肉豆蔻、五香粉)、增味剂 E6。

