成分:甜椒、胡萝卜、洋葱、番茄酱、大蒜、白糖、盐、酸度调节剂(醋酸、柠檬酸)、水、红辣椒粉、黑胡椒粉。 无转基因。
Net weight: zh | 480克 |
Type of packaging: zh | 玻璃罐 460 毫升 |
Quantity of pieces in multiple-unit package: zh | 1个托盘864罐 |
Weight of multiple-unit package: zh | 646千克 /托盘 |
Shelf life: zh | 2年 |
Storage temperature max (°C): zh | 储存温度0 °С 至 +25 °С |
Storage conditions: zh | 存放于0°C 至 +25°C 的温度,相对湿度不超过75%,避免阳光直射。 |
Energy value per 100 g of product: zh | 247千焦/59大卡 |
Nutrition Facts (Food value) per 100 g of product: zh | 脂肪 - 3克,其中反式脂肪 -0克,碳水化合物 - 6克,其中单糖和双糖 5.1克,蛋白质 - 0.98克,盐 - 1.5克 |
成分:甜菜、胡萝卜、洋葱、番茄酱、欧芹根、糖、盐、醋酸、香菜、黑胡椒粉。 不含转基因
Sterilized canning. Sliced marinated zucchini. Grade 1. Ingredients: zucchini (55%), water, salt, sugar, acidity regulator - acetic acid, herbs, garlic, bay leaf, bitter pepper.
Canned sterilized Assorti "Homemade". Of the first grade. Ingredients: tomatoes (32.5-35%), cucumbers (15-17.5%), water, salt, sugar, acidity regulator - acetic acid, herbs, garlic, bay leaf, hot pepper.
Sterilized canning. Pickled green tomatoes. Ingredients: tomatoes (50%), water, salt, sugar, acidity regulator - acetic acid, herbs, garlic, bay leaf, hot pepper.
Pickled red tomatoes, 670 g
Sterilized canning. Pickled red tomatoes. Grade 1. Ingredients: tomatoes (50%), water, salt, sugar, acidity regulator - acetic acid, herbs, garlic, bay leaf, bitter pepper.
Pickled red tomatoes, 1500 g
Sterilized canning. Pickled red tomatoes. Grade 1. Ingredients: tomatoes (50%), water, salt, sugar, acidity regulator - acetic acid, herbs, garlic, bay leaf, bitter pepper.