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ZHIVA CHAY茶叶公司是乌克兰市场花茶厂家兼供应商。












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Zabota LTD 以 ​​A-Delis 品牌生产产品。今日,有70多种面包和烘焙产品以及200多种糖果和蛋糕。我们生产软果糕、果酱、土耳其软糖、巧克力甜点、巧克力酱等。产品采用世界领先制造商的最现代化设备制造。产品配方完全基于天然成分,并采用经典技术制成的。从新的 2018 年开始,A'Delis 将非常关注巧克力产品。 A'Delis Chocolate 是我们每个人都需要的。独特的口感,独特的柔嫩和自然,这一切你在品尝这家公司的巧克力时都会感受到。 A'Delis 的一个显着特点是所有产品均由天然原料制成。我们是为了自然!

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Klion Group, the largest Ukrainian importer of fish and seafood, was founded on December 7, 2005 in Zaporizhzhia, where its headquarters, production complex and one of its logistics centers are located. The main activity of Klion Group is the import, production and sale, including export, of fish and seafood. From the very first days of its foundation, the priorities of the Klion Group Company have been the sale of high quality products, customer focus and the development of the enterprise on a national scale!

The plant is equipped with modern high-tech equipment from the world's leading manufacturers.
The production lines allow to produce 2500 tons of finished products per month and use various technological processes of fish and seafood processing. Today, the production facilities produce more than 200 products in 6 workshops.

The stability of production processes, a well-established labor organization system, and qualified personnel indicate that we have created a first-class production facility that we are proud of.

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Production and sale of breakfast cereals (corn flakes, oatmeal, granola, cereal bars).

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An innovative enterprise that specializes in manufacturing drinking water and baby food.

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“Ukrainian Mineral Waters”有限责任公司是乌克兰医疗饮用矿泉水生产市场的领导者之一。 公司是 JSC «Odessa Mineral waters factory «Kuyalnik» 和 JSC «Svalyava Mineral Waters» 的总经销商。

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TERRA 是谷物生产商。 我们生产的产品清单包括许多谷物(谷物、薄片)。 我们不会停下脚步,继续满足市场和社会的现代需求。 我们一直在寻找新的品味和新的视角。


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OSETR 是乌克兰最大的水产养殖鲟鱼企业。 近20年来,我们公司一直在研究和培育鲟鱼品种,因此凭借多年的经验和拥有最新设备的自有加工厂,独立挑出黑鱼子酱、加盐并装在罐子里。

OSETR 是乌克兰第一家黑鱼子酱生产商,至今仍是行业领导者和可靠的合作伙伴。

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Boguslavskyi zavod prodtovariv是乌克兰糖果的领先生产商,用“Boguslavna”商标。多年来,我们还成功地使用自有品牌标准,根据个别客户的要求提供有效的商品生产机制。我们与乌克兰零售业的领导者 Fozzy Group 和 Metro Cash & Carry 有成效地合作,为国家品牌(TM “Full Bowl” 、TM “Extra!” 、TM “Rioba” )和国外市场(TM “Dovgan” 产品出口到德国)。

今天,TM Boguslavna 包括 30 多种产品,特别是:

• 基于自己生产的苹果泥制成的松软棉花糖;

• 独特的迷你棉花糖“Zephyryatka”;

• 童年的味道——根据经典配方制作的燕麦饼干;

• 根据经典配方制作的各种形状和口味的黄油曲奇;

• 松软的玛芬。

多年来对质量的不懈努力、对工作的热爱以及取悦消费者的愿望,只有最优秀的 TM Boguslavna 才能进入乌克兰棉花糖的前三大领先生产商和燕麦饼干的前五名生产商。

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The company "Art of Cooking" is a family business, and that is why, when preparing meals, we are guided by the same values ​​as in the family - taste, quality, and safety.

Our company produces finished products and semi-finished products of the highest quality, and long shelf life is achieved thanks to the use of the shock freezing method. All products are produced in Ukraine.

We deliver products to several countries: the USA, Moldova, Saudi Arabia, Romania, and Poland.

We are a key supplier in the segment of finished products and semi-finished products for gas station chains and the HoReCa channel. We are trusted by: OKKO, SOCAR, Shell, METRO, NOVUS, and others.

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“Shabo” 公司生产最高品质的高贵饮品。 当涉及到质量问题时,我们不妥协——我们尊重酿酒的传统,使用最新的技术。 正因如此,Shabo葡萄酒体现了葡萄最好的天然特性,保留了新鲜采摘的葡萄的味道和香气,以及其明亮的品种特性。

葡萄酒是一种文化。 这意味着要坚持高品质的葡萄栽培、酿酒业,当然还有高贵饮品消费文化的标准。

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Futurefood LLC has been on the market since 2015.

We produce flax seed chips using the drying method. There is roasting, and we do not use chemical additives. Preserving all the beneficial properties of flax.

In 2018 we participated in a food startup competition at the Global Protein Summit (Lille, France), won a prize in the category "Best vegetable-based product".

All studies in the field of digestion and nutrition show that the key to health is the consumption of products containing fiber - vegetables, nuts, seeds. Our product contains 27% of the most valuable dietary fiber, i.e. we hold the record for three indicators - plant protein 22%, the daily rate of omega 3 fatty acids (8 grams) and dietary fiber 27%. And we want you to note that our product is gluten-free.

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Royal Fruit Garden 是乌克兰第一家也是迄今为止唯一的一家使用自己的原料生产苹果酒的公司。 切尔卡瑟州佐洛托诺沙市的苹果园占地 162 公顷,种植着精选的六种苹果。 这就是最优秀产品生产的地方,不含调味剂、酒精和防腐剂的苹果酒。

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LEDOVAR 是一家生产原味焦糖棒棒糖的制造公司。 我们做我们最擅长的事! 由于单一的产品概念,我们提供可靠性和质量。

 Ledovar 品牌因其在铸造焦糖生产方面的专业技能而受到重视。

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Medusha致力于生产100%天然蜂蜡和蜂蜜。 我们使用蜜蜂制成的蜡制作蜂窝罐,里面装满了最好的乌克兰纯白相思蜂蜜。  Medusha产品是送给朋友,家人和同事的绝佳礼品,或作为装饰性但实用的家居装饰品。 美味,美丽和可持续。

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MOVA is a team of people who have always seen something special in beer. It's not just a drink, but an essential element of any meeting or party. We have learned how to bring people together from all over the world through beer and have become the most sociable brewery in Dnipro. Or maybe even in the whole world.

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Production of natural ice cream exclusively from milk, butter, fresh or frozen berries, and nuts. Production of original alcoholic ice cream on a milk basis with the flavors of world-famous cocktails.

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GERCHAK LLC 自 1998 年上市了。主要活动是生产食品。



优质的原材料、成品的高度控制、最新的欧洲设备、专业的团队——这一切都是 TM “Gerchak”。


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Production of soft drinks from natural raw materials.