All the products are made on the basis of high quality natural raw materials. The recipe is constantly being improved, embodying modern production technologies. With high-quality glaze, dried fruits and dairy fillings, many tastes of confectionery products, their diversity and uniqueness are achieved. The law of our company is to take care of the health and well-being of the client. Therefore, our products are the embodiment of quality and affordable prices.

An interesting combination of two layers of iris-cream and chocolate

The waffle ball, glazed with white confectionery glaze and sprinkled with coconut flakes with a delicate creamy filling with the addition of whole roasted almonds.

Homemade waffles with tender caramel-milk filling with the taste of baked milk

Sweets Wafer ball "Truffle"
Confectionery glazed candies with soft truffle filling in a shaped wafer shell.

Candies glazed with confectionery milk and chocolate glaze. The case is nougat with vanilla aroma.

Sweets “Kudesnitsa”
Gentle crispy waffle made of milk-chocolate filling with the addition of grilling mass, glazed with confectionery glaze.

The round candies are covered with a crispy sugar glaze, with a creamy chocolate filling with the addition of mint and orange marmalade inside

Roasted almonds with chocolate cream with natural cocoa.