

Bob Snail天然苹果樱桃水晶软糖

Bob Snail天然水晶软糖,仅由水果加工而成。无糖,素色,防腐剂。 产品成分仅含苹果,樱桃及果冻。

usaid agro program
咖啡糖浆(什锦5个 х 70克)



水果零食 (BERIES MIX) - 樱桃、覆盆子、草莓、越橘-蓝莓

usaid agro program
冰淇淋装饰配料140克 (什锦 5 个) TM Topping

5 种11 个不同的口味组合:巧克力、焦糖、草莓、樱桃、酸橙、香蕉、覆盆子、巧克力牛轧糖、巧克力榛子、芒果百香果、泡泡糖

usaid agro program
蓝莓果酱600克罐TM Dnipro

苹果泥 - 65%,糖 - 35%

usaid agro program
草莓果酱 395克罐TM Dnipro

糖 - 65%,冷冻草莓 - 35%

usaid agro program
酸樱桃果酱 395克罐TM Dnipro

糖 - 65%,冷冻酸樱桃- 45%

usaid agro program
蓝莓果酱 250克自立袋TM Dnipro

糖 - 65%,冷冻覆盆子- 35%

Fruit bar

Fruit bars - Blackberry + Mint 20g (Display - 30 pcs)
Ingredients: apple (44.5%), blackberry (44.1%), sugar (9.3%), mint (1.6%), rice flour (0.5%).

usaid agro program
黑加仑果酱 395克罐TM Dnipro

糖 - 65%,冷冻黑加仑 - 35%

usaid agro program
覆盆子果酱 250克自立袋TM Dnipro

糖 - 65%,冷冻覆盆子- 35%

usaid agro program
覆盆子果酱 395克罐TM Dnipro

糖 - 65%,冷冻覆盆子 - 35%

Fruit&Berries Drink Mixe

Fruit and berry mixes for drinks from TM Delicia are vitamin fruit and berry teas made on the basis of fruits, berries, spices and honey with or without sugar, which will bring you not only enjoyment, but also benefit. They will warm you in cold weather, create comfort in frosty evenings, quench your thirst in the heat and give you strength and cheer you up throughout the year.


The assortment includes tastes:

Without adding sugar: Blueberry With Lavender, Cherry-Orange (No Sugar), Chocolate, Raspberry With Mint (No Sugar), Sea Buckthron With Ginger (Sugar Free), Strawberry-Lime.

With Sugar: Berries, Blackcurrant, Cranberry, Raspberry, Sea Buckthorn.

usaid agro program
浆果蔓越莓酱 LIQBERRY 有机100克

100% 均质有机蔓越莓粉碎种子,包括细石部分,不使用防腐剂、糖和水。 吃新鲜浆果时,种子中的有用成分(抗氧化剂、欧米茄 3-6-9、多酚等)消化不了,但得益于蔓越莓加工的创新 HTD 技术,这一切都变得可用,因此使用 LiQberry浆果酱变得比吃新鲜浆果更有益。

usaid agro program
带蜂蜜蓝莓浆果酱LIQBERRY 165克

100 克酱含有 β-胡萝卜素、脂溶性维生素 E(生育酚)的日定额,和维生素 C的两倍日定额。高浓度的多不饱和脂肪酸 “Omega 3, 6, -9”,杂草蜂蜜含有许多有用的成分。 这些是生物素、维生素PP和B、锰、氟、钴、铁、钙、铜、锌,这些很容易被人体消化。

Raspberry Toррing

Toppings from TM Delicia will decorate your cakes and pastries, you can pour them on pancakes, waffles and ice cream, add them to the cream creams, thus changing their color and taste to your desired. Baked goods will look more aesthetically pleasing and attractive, while ice cream will seduce with its tender appearance.

Using high-quality raw materials for the production of toppings is the key to the main advantages of PP "GALAFRUT" products.

The assortment of Toppings includes tastes: Almond, Banana (Yellow), Belgian Chocolate Desert, Berries, Beyles, Blackcurrant, Blueberry Ice, Blue Curacao, Bubble-Gum, Caramel, Cherry, Cherry Ice, Chocolate, Chocolate-Nougat, Chocolate Sauce «Coffee», Coconut, Cranberry, Forest Nuts, Green Apple, Grenadine, Kiwi, Lemon, Lime, Mango, Mango-Passionfruit, Melon, Mint, Orange, Oreo Cookies, Peach, Pear, Pineapple, Pistachio, Plombir Ice-Cream.

Fruit&Berries Drink Mixe (sugar free)

Fruit and berry mixes for drinks from TM Delicia are vitamin fruit and berry teas made on the basis of fruits, berries, spices and honey with or without sugar, which will bring you not only enjoyment, but also benefit. They will warm you in cold weather, create comfort in frosty evenings, quench your thirst in the heat and give you strength and cheer you up throughout the year.


The assortment includes tastes:

Without adding sugar: Blueberry With Lavender, Cherry-Orange (No Sugar), Chocolate, Raspberry With Mint (No Sugar), Sea Buckthron With Ginger (Sugar Free), Strawberry-Lime.

With Sugar: Berries, Blackcurrant, Cranberry, Raspberry, Sea Buckthorn.

Fruit&Berries Drink Mixe (sugar free)

Fruit and berry mixes for drinks from TM Delicia are vitamin fruit and berry teas made on the basis of fruits, berries, spices and honey with or without sugar, which will bring you not only enjoyment, but also benefit. They will warm you in cold weather, create comfort in frosty evenings, quench your thirst in the heat and give you strength and cheer you up throughout the year.


The assortment includes tastes:

Without adding sugar: Blueberry With Lavender, Cherry-Orange (No Sugar), Chocolate, Raspberry With Mint (No Sugar), Sea Buckthron With Ginger (Sugar Free), Strawberry-Lime.

With Sugar: Berries, Blackcurrant, Cranberry, Raspberry, Sea Buckthorn.

Fruit&Berries Drink Mixe

Fruit and berry mixes for drinks from TM Delicia are vitamin fruit and berry teas made on the basis of fruits, berries, spices and honey with or without sugar, which will bring you not only enjoyment, but also benefit. They will warm you in cold weather, create comfort in frosty evenings, quench your thirst in the heat and give you strength and cheer you up throughout the year.


The assortment includes tastes:

Without adding sugar: Blueberry With Lavender, Cherry-Orange (No Sugar), Chocolate, Raspberry With Mint (No Sugar), Sea Buckthron With Ginger (Sugar Free), Strawberry-Lime.

With Sugar: Berries, Blackcurrant, Cranberry, Raspberry, Sea Buckthorn.

Strawbеrry Jam

 Delicia fruit and berry toppings will perfectly complement any dessert and decorate ice cream. Made on the basis of fruits and berries, these fillings complete the taste of your product and make it perfect, emphasizing its features will stand out among others. Ready-made stuffing saves your time, simplifies the process of preparation and allows pleasantly surprise others.

Using high-quality raw materials and natural fruit for stuffing production is the key to the main advantages of "Galafrut" products.

The assortment of jam includes tastes:

1 kg: Apricot, Berries, Blackcurrant, Cherry, Coconut, Cranberry, Exotic, Kiwi, Mango, Melon, Peach, Pear, Pineapple, Raspberry, Strawberry.

0,5 Kg: Baked Milk, Banana Cream, Berries, Caramel, Cherry, Chocolate, Kiwi, Peanut Cream, Raspberry, Strawberry, Strawberry-Lime.

usaid agro program
Malatko Puree (Peach)

The key feature of Malatko baby purees is their 100% natural properties.
Cold processing of fresh fruits in purees production makes it possible to preserve all nutrients, vitamins, as well as freshness and flavor of specially selected fruits.
Due to the special approach to the puree preparation, Malatko puree is perfect for feeding infants in their first months.