usaid agro program

“YOGODA” 浆果茶——生姜、蜂蜜、青柠

“YOGODA” 浆果茶——生姜、蜂蜜、青柠


浆果茶,基于 100% 天然浆果和水果、香料和其他天然成分。 不含防腐剂、染料和人造香料。


Net weight: zh 52克
Type of packaging: zh 自立袋
Quantity of pieces in multiple-unit package: zh 6和12
Weight of multiple-unit package: zh 0,32和0,63千克
Shelf life: zh 温度小于-18°C——18个月,温度小于25°C和相对湿度小于75%,——6个月
Storage temperature max (°C): zh 温度小于-18°C——18个月,温度小于25°C和相对湿度小于75%,——6个月
Storage conditions: zh 温度小于-18°C——18个月,温度小于25°C和相对湿度小于75%,——6个月
Energy value per 100 g of product: zh 221 大卡
Nutrition Facts (Food value) per 100 g of product: zh 脂肪 0.2 克(其中饱和 <1 克),碳水化合物 54.5 克(包括糖 48.5 克),蛋白质 0.5 克,盐


usaid agro program

浆果茶,基于 100% 天然浆果和水果、香料和其他天然成分。 不含防腐剂、染料和人造香料。


usaid agro program

浆果茶,基于 100% 天然浆果和水果、香料和其他天然成分。 不含防腐剂、染料和人造香料。


usaid agro program

浆果茶,基于 100% 天然浆果和水果、香料和其他天然成分。 不含防腐剂、染料和人造香料。


usaid agro program

浆果茶,基于 100% 天然浆果和水果、香料和其他天然成分。 不含防腐剂、染料和人造香料。


usaid agro program

浆果茶,基于 100% 天然浆果和水果、香料和其他天然成分。 不含防腐剂、染料和人造香料。


橙皮罂粟籽馅料 (烘焙食品甜点馅料,已巴氏灭菌), 500克, Santa Vita Bakers牌


Berry drink concentrate TM

Natural fruit and berry concentrates are a pasteurized mixture of berry pulp, fruit, herbs, spices, and sugar.


• Ginger with honey and lime

• Sea buckthorn with an apple

• Sea buckthorn with thyme

• Currants with basil

• Cranberry with orange

• Blueberry with raspberry

• Orange with mint

• Raspberries with passion fruit

• Mango with ginger

• Goji berries with lemon

How it works:

Pour the contents of the sachet into a cup, fill the cup with 250ml of boiling/cold water, and stir. Tea or a cooling drink is ready.

Berry drink concentrate with honey TM

Natural fruit and berry concentrates are a pasteurized mixture of berry pulp, fruit, herbs, spices, and sugar.
• Ginger with honey and lime (without added sugar, with honey)
• Sea buckthorn with thyme (without added sugar, with honey)
• Strawberries with ginger and basil (no added sugar, with honey)
• Passion fruit with orange (without added sugar, with honey)
• Pineapple with apricot and tarragon (without added sugar, with honey)
• Apricot with orange and lavender (no added sugar, with honey)
How it works:
Pour the contents of the sachet into a cup, fill the cup with 250 ml of boiling/cold water, and stir. Tea or a cooling drink is ready.