usaid agro program

"PIZZETTA CHIPS " Marinara "香脆小食

"PIZZETTA CHIPS " Marinara "香脆小食


“MARINARA”  那不勒斯经典

«Marinara»从意大利语翻译过来的是«海酱»,但是这个比萨饼不含海鲜。 这种比萨以每天吃它的渔民命名。

大蒜、罗勒和其他意大利香草通常添加到传统的面团和西红柿中。 因此,PIZZETTA CHIPS MARINARA 将马苏里拉奶酪、番茄和罗勒与大蒜的辛辣味结合在一起。 当然,为了味道的完整性,我们添加了奶酪Maasdam(LEERDAMER - 荷兰)、黄油和橄榄油。 无论你走到哪里,走多远,在现代世界里,你总能找到一个贴着“PIZZA”招牌的地方,在那里你可以品尝到这道来自意大利的美味。 带上“一块意大利”!


Net weight: zh 70克
Type of packaging: zh 自立袋
Quantity of pieces in multiple-unit package: zh 12
Weight of multiple-unit package: zh 0,840千克
Shelf life: zh 9个月
Storage temperature max (°C): zh 温度 -18° to +25°С
Storage conditions: zh 应存放于干燥,清洁,通风良好室内,避免降水和阳光直射。
Energy value per 100 g of product: zh 1534 千焦(366,5 大卡)
Nutrition Facts (Food value) per 100 g of product: zh 脂肪 - 15 克,其中饱和 - 8 克,碳水化合物 - 48.1 克,其中糖 - 0.8 克,膳食纤维 - 2.8 克,蛋白质 - 10.9 克,盐 - 3.2 克


Vegetable crispbreads

The mixture of vegetables and oilseeds with the addition of spices. - 100% natural ingredients.

Ingredients: fresh vegetables (51.66%) (carrot, white cabbage, onion), flax seeds, sunflower seeds, dried garlic, sea salt, dried garlic.

Visual appearance: dried, crisp, rectangular plates, size 110h45h5 mm, possibly including flax seeds and sunflower kernels.

Flavor and odor: typical of the product and used raw materials, without any odor or aftertaste.

Perfect for a healthy snack, or to top off the main meal. Breads are made from local farm products. In production are subjected to heat treatment, and dried at 42 ° C, which allows you to save all the vitamins, enzymes, and cell integrity of raw materials.

Mushroom Crispbreads

Mixture of vegetables and oilseeds with the addition of spices. - 100% natural ingredients.

Ingredients: fresh carrots, flax seeds, sunflower seeds, mushrooms fresh (16.67%), fresh onions, sea salt, dried dill.

Visual appearance: dried, crisp, rectangular plates, size 110h45h5 mm, with a possible inclusion of flax seeds and sunflower kernels.

Flavor and odor: typical of the product and used raw materials, without any odor and aftertaste, with a strong aroma of mushrooms.

Perfect for a healthy snack, or to top off a main meal. Breads are made from local farm products. In the production are subjected to heat treatment, dried at 42 ° C, which allows you to save all the vitamins, enzymes, cell integrity of raw materials.