usaid agro program

可可和榛子酱,TM “Spell” ,200 克

可可和榛子酱,TM “Spell” ,200 克


成分:糖、未氢化葵花籽油、脂肪(棕榈油和棕榈仁油)、榛子18%,脱脂奶粉,乳清粉,可可脂,改性淀粉、乳化剂:大豆卵磷脂、E 471、盐。

Net weight: zh 200克
Type of packaging: zh 玻璃瓶
Quantity of pieces in multiple-unit package: zh 6
Weight of multiple-unit package: zh 1200克
Shelf life: zh 24个月
Storage temperature max (°C): zh 0 ℃ 至 +23℃
Storage conditions: zh 推荐储存在 0°C 至 +23°C 的温度下,远离热源和阳光直射。 食用建议:使用前搅拌均匀。
Energy value per 100 g of product: zh 621 大卡(2577 千焦)
Nutrition Facts (Food value) per 100 g of product: zh 蛋白质 - 6.8 克,碳水化合物 - 40.0 克,脂肪 - 48.0 克,膳食纤维 - 2.5 克。


„Meteorite“ with hazelnut

"Hazelnut Meteorite with Honey" is a candy that surprises with its palette of flavors. Roasted hazelnuts combined with natural honey make their taste expressive and interesting. Such sweets are an example of good filling, supplemented with high-quality confectionery glaze, which turns the exquisite recipes into wonderful tasty treats. These candies are a great gift for your loved ones. They are a presentable gift when you are going to someone else's house. And also - just a chance to please yourself with the exquisite taste of your favorite sweets.

„Meteorite“ with sunflower kernels

"Sunflower meteorite with honey" - delicious, healthy, and nourishing sweets. Roasted sunflower kernel contains many micronutrients in its composition. Natural honey combined with it provides a pleasant and expressive taste. A confectionary glaze completes the flavor palette and makes these candies recognizable. Today there are a lot of familiar recipe variations of "Meteorite" candies. However, the technologists of Volyn Sweets TM choose and give an individual touch to the best of them.

Prunes with walnut kernel

"Prunes with walnut kernel" - exquisite taste combined with nutrients. The dried prunes, which are the main component of the candy, contain healthy fiber, trace elements, vitamins, and organic acids. It perfectly complements the roasted walnut kernel. A high-quality confectionery glaze is a successful addition to this combination. Such sweets - are a good gift, a pleasant addition to a romantic or friendly conversation over a cup of tea, or just a chance to please yourself with an exquisite taste.

„Meteorite“ Volynskyi

"Volyn Meteorite" is one of the most recognizable flavors in the range of confectionery factory "Volyn Sweets". Roasted peanut kernels in combination with corn syrup give the candy a distinct taste. And high-quality confectionery glaze makes these sweets even more pleasing to the taste. "Volyn Meteorite" is not only an opportunity to enjoy fine confectionery products. It's also a good idea for a gift from Volyn when you go to a feast for family or friends from other cities.

99% 巧克力


无糖麦芽糖醇黑巧克力 72%

麦芽糖醇是一种源自淀粉的天然糖替代品,具有最接近蔗糖的特性。 其对血糖水平的影响不大的,因此该产品可用于糖尿病患者或饮食中,以降低饮食中的热量含量。

黑巧克力 56%,无糖,欧洲越橘果仁糖馅

成分:巧克力(可可块、代糖(麦芽糖醇 11%、果糖 11%)、可可脂、乳化剂大豆卵磷脂、调味剂“香兰素”)、欧洲越橘果仁糖馅50%:(代糖(麦芽糖醇 6%、果糖 6%) )、可可脂、全脂奶粉、奶油、欧洲越橘10%、乳化剂大豆卵磷脂、葡萄糖水果糖浆)。