«Breakfast at tiffanyʹs»


«Breakfast at tiffanyʹs»


一种类似巧克力甜点的产品,以酥饼碎为基础, 完全覆盖着深色釉料并撒上切碎的花生。 它具有 非常精致的形状和细腻的焦糖馅。 单箱重量 2 千 克; 0.8 千克。

Quantity of pieces in multiple-unit package: zh 57-60 个
Weight of multiple-unit package: zh 2 千克
Shelf life: zh 90 天
Storage temperature max (°C): zh (18±5)°C
Storage conditions: zh 温度(18±5)°C,相对湿度小于 75%
Energy value per 100 g of product: zh 1770 千焦/ 423 大卡
Nutrition Facts (Food value) per 100 g of product: zh 脂肪-19.0 克,饱和脂肪-2.6 克;碳水化合物59.4 克,其中蔗糖-32.4 克;膳食纤维– 0,03 克; 蛋白质-7.3 克; 盐-0.01 克


usaid agro program
Chocolatey coated wafer bar

Wafer bar with caramel flavoured filling, covered with dark compound chocolate

usaid agro program
Chocolatey coated wafer bar

Wafer bar with condensed milk filling, covered with dark compound chocolate

usaid agro program
Chocolatey coated wafer bar

Wafer bar with toffee filling, covered with dark compound chocolate

usaid agro program
Wafers moulded glazed “Choco-Shocks” with hazelnuts

Moulded wafer bar with cocoa filling and hazelnuts, covered with dark compound chocolate

usaid agro program
Wafers moulded glazed “Choco-Shocks” with sea salt caramel

Moulded wafer bar with milky filling and sea salt caramel, covered with dark compound chocolate

usaid agro program
Wafers moulded glazed “Choco-Shocks” with strawberry flavour

Moulded wafer bar with milky filling and strawberry flavour, covered with dark compound chocolate

usaid agro program
Wafers moulded glazed “Choco-Shocks” with banana flavour

Moulded wafer bar with milky filling and banana flavour, covered with dark compound chocolate

