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A company that produces frozen vegetables, fruits, and berries.

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多布罗迪亚食品有限责任公司是多布罗迪亚, 三格拉诺, 沃沃燕麦, 美味小巨人品牌下燕麦片和早餐谷物的领先制造商和供应商。

我们的生产综合体是基于可持续发展、环保方法、高能源效率和自动化技术流程的原则创建的。公司已通过食品安全系统认证22000 、无麸质认证、清真认证、有机认证和犹太饮食认证的认证。我们生产健康和环保的产品,原材料来自我们自己的田地种植的谷物。我们是乌克兰唯一种植和加工无麸质燕麦的燕麦片生产商。

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Production of Turkish Delights

usaid agro program
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果酱、水果软糖、糖浆、冰淇淋的生产。装饰配料 。



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Our company has been on the market since 2017.

We started our work with the production of live and natural hummus according to the traditional home recipe. As hummus needs temperature control, we were thinking about what we could do to have hummus with us at all times. For 2 years, we searched for options. So we created an innovative product, Frango Hummus Snack.

Hummus-snack Frango - a product in the form of a crunchy, healthy, and tasty snack that retains the useful properties of hummus.

With Frango hummus snack is a different quality of life, because it is both tasty and healthy. It is a revolution in the market of healthy snacks.

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usaid agro program
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自从2017年以来,我们一直在生产苹果酒、梨酒、水果酒、浆果酒和蜂蜜酒,其特点是酒精度适中,酸度平衡宜人。 我们的主要关注点是产品的味道和天然性,所以我们在收获季节只使用栽培和野生水果、浆果、鲜花。