Mohnfüllung mit Orangenschale (Pasteurisiertes Halbfabrikat für Bäckerei und Konditorei), 500g, Handelsmarke "Santa Vita Bakers"

Mohnfüllung mit Orangenschale (Pasteurisiertes Halbfabrikat für Bäckerei und Konditorei), 500g, Handelsmarke "Santa Vita Bakers"


Zutaten: Weißer Zucker, Mohn (29,3 %), Glukose-Fruktose-Sirup, Orangenschalen (12,7 %), modifizierte Kartoffelstärke, Maisstärke, Orangenaroma.

Zusätzliche Information
Net weight: de 500 g
Type of packaging: de Eine beidseitig mit Klammern fixierte Hülle, die sogenannte "Lebensmittelverpackung", verpackt in einem Karton
Quantity of pieces in multiple-unit package: de 12
Weight of multiple-unit package: de 6,0 kg (Bruttogewicht), 6,5 kg (Nettogewicht)
Shelf life: de 365 Tage/12 Monate
Storage temperature max (°C): de 5 °С - 25 °С
Storage conditions: de Kühl und trocken lagern
Energy value per 100 g of product: de 1237 kJ/296 kcal
Nutrition Facts (Food value) per 100 g of product: de Fette - 8,1 g, einschließlich gesättigter Fettsäuren - 0,9 g; Kohlenhydrate - 54,1 g, einschließlich Zucker - 40,7 g; Eiweiß - 3,0 g; Salz - 0,04 g.

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• Preiselbeere mit Orange

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Wie es funktioniert:

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Wie es funktioniert:

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Visual appearance: plates of different shapes, no more than 30 mm long and 20 mm wide, dried at low temperatures, green buckwheat, and fruit mass, with the addition of nuts, seeds, and spices, according to the recipe.

Color: brown (typical for this type of product according to the recipe).

Taste and odor: typical for the product and the raw material used, without extraneous odor and flavor.

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Ingredients: dried dates, light raisins, walnuts, cocoa powder (3.0%), orange peel (1.5%).

Visual appearance: round candies up to 20 mm in size, encrusted in cocoa.

May have slight deformation.

Allow for an rough surface and a slight sprinkling of surface treatment.

Color: brown (typical for this type of product according to the recipe).

Taste and odor: typical for the product and the raw material used, without extraneous odor and flavor.

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Ingredients: light raisins, sunflower kernel seeds, dried dates, coconut (13.3%), almond nuts, freeze-dried cranberries (1.2%).

Visual appearance: round candies up to 20 mm in size, encrusted in cocoa.

May have slight deformation.

Allow for an rough surface and a slight sprinkling of surface treatment.

Color: brown  typical for this type of product according to the recipe).

Taste and odor: typical for the product and the raw material used, without extraneous odor and flavor.


A mixture of chopped dried fruits, nuts and sunflower seeds with the addition of green buckwheat - 100% natural ingredients.

Ingredients: light raisins, dark raisins, hazelnuts (19.4%), sunflower seeds, green buckwheat kernels, coconut shavings, freeze-dried strawberries (2.3%), dried cranberries.

Taste and odor: typical for the product and the raw material used, without extraneous odor and flavor.

Color: brown, typical for this type of product according to the recipe).

Visual appearance: rectangular bar measuring 90 x 30 mm.

The surface is dry and not sticky.


Mixture of chopped dried fruits and nuts with the addition of cocoa and green buckwheat kernels - 100% natural ingredients.

Ingredients: dark raisins, dried cherries, cocoa butter (7.9%), walnuts, almonds (7.9%), buckwheat green kernel, cocoa powder (2.6%), cocoa beans (2.6%).

Taste and odor: typical of the raw materials included in the composition.

Color: dark brown (inherent in this type of product according to the recipe). Visual appearance: a rectangular bar measuring 90x30mm.

The surface is dry and not sticky.