Almond-hazelnuts Granola

Almond-hazelnuts Granola


A mixture of green buckwheat, dried fruit and nut kernels with the addition of extra ingredients, dried at low temperatures - 100% natural ingredients.

Ingredients: dried dates, buckwheat green kernel, fresh apple, almonds (7.4%), hazelnuts (7.4%), walnuts, pumpkin kernel seeds, sunflower kernel seeds, chia seeds, dried cranberries, ginger.

Visual appearance: plates of different shapes, no more than 30 mm long and 20 mm wide, dried at low temperatures, green buckwheat, and fruit mass, with the addition of nuts, seeds, and spices, according to the recipe.

Color: brown (typical for this type of product according to the recipe).

Taste and odor: typical for the product and the raw material used, without extraneous odor and flavor.

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Mixture of chopped dried fruits and nuts with the addition of lemon peel and green buckwheat kernel - 100% natural ingredients.

The composition of the product: dried dates, coconut (9.9%), hazelnut, buckwheat green kernel, lemon peel, freeze-dried mango (1.99%).

Taste and odor: typical of the raw materials in the composition.

Color: light brown (inherent in this type of product according to the recipe). Visual appearance: bar of rectangular shape, size 90x30mm.

The surface is dry, sticky.

Energieriegel aus Hanf

Der Hanf Energieriegel von Viteo Hemp ist ein funktionelles Lebensmittel aus natürlichen Zutaten. Ohne Zucker oder Konservierungsstoffe. ROH. Vegan.


- Gereinigte Hanfsamen

- Hanfprotein

- Raffinierte Sonnenblumenkerne

- Datteln

Energieriegel aus Hanf

Der Hanf Energieriegel von Viteo Hemp ist ein funktionelles Lebensmittel aus natürlichen Zutaten. Ohne Zucker oder Konservierungsstoffe. ROH. Vegan.


- Gereinigte Hanfsamen

- Hanfprotein

- Raffinierte Sonnenblumenkerne

- Datteln