


美味又营养的小吃。 向日葵仁因其高含量的维生素 E 而受到重视,维生素 E 具有抗炎特性,是一种强大的抗氧化剂。 它还含有维生素 A、D、B6 和 PP,它们负责神经细胞的正常功能并参与它们的恢复。

usaid agro program



 保质期:自生产之日起 24 个月。

玉米(玉米)的特点是碳水化合物含量高,每 100 克产品的热量含量为 116 千卡。 100 克煮熟的玉米含有 123 千卡热量,100 克罐装玉米含有 119 千卡热量。 适量食用该产品,身体会获得大量有益的营养,而不会对姿势造成伤害。 科学家们得出的结论是,经常食用玉米可以降低患脑中风、糖尿病和心血管疾病的风险; 因为人体获得了足够量的玉米中所含的膳食纤维、纤维素、钾、镁、磷、维生素E等营养成分,从而促进所有代谢过程。 这些特性导致整体健康和免疫系统的改善。


烤葵花仁配上香喷喷的烤花生,是一道营养丰富的小食。 精选花生种子和花生完美满足饥饿感,是一种完整的健康营养产品。


一切都始于我们在乌克兰南部地区种植的天然原材料。 100% LAKOMKA 品种是一种特殊的糖果种子,由苏联技术人员培育,专门用于糖果行业:去皮好,口感极佳,仁大;更高的葡萄糖含量提供更深和丰富的味道。所有原材料在油炸之前必须按照 12 分制进行精选。因此您可以在每包中获得完美的种子。我们也只使用精选的花生 - 最大的全粒,口径为 38-42 毫米。 “智能”系统“SORTEX”让您通过压缩空气流“喷射”空种子和碎片来清洁原材料。

向日葵仁油炸含盐 TM “Homka”

一切都始于我们在乌克兰南部地区种植的天然原材料。 100% LAKOMKA 品种是一种特殊的糖果种子,由苏联技术人员培育,专门用于糖果行业:去皮好,口感极佳,仁大;更高的葡萄糖含量提供更深和丰富的味道。所有原材料在油炸之前必须按照 12 分制进行精选。因此您可以在每包中获得完美的种子。我们也只使用精选的花生 - 最大的全粒,口径为 38-42 毫米。 “智能”系统“SORTEX”让您通过压缩空气流“喷射”空种子和碎片来清洁原材料。

usaid agro program


只有苹果:没有添加剂!低对流晒干温度。残余湿度 - 只有 6-8%。


含有胡萝卜素、果胶、叶酸和有机酸、维生素 - A、B1、B2、B3、C、E、P、PP、K;微量元素 - 钠、磷、钾、硫、铜、锌、钙、铝、氟、铬、铁、镁、钼、镍、比尔、钒、锰。



50 克薯片相当于 450-500 克新鲜苹果。

向日葵仁油炸不含盐 TM “Homka”

一切都始于我们在乌克兰南部地区种植的天然原材料。 100% LAKOMKA 品种是一种特殊的糖果种子,由苏联技术人员培育,专门用于糖果行业:去皮好,口感极佳,仁大;更高的葡萄糖含量提供更深和丰富的味道。所有原材料在油炸之前必须按照 12 分制进行精选。因此您可以在每包中获得完美的种子。我们也只使用精选的花生 - 最大的全粒,口径为 38-42 毫米。 “智能”系统“SORTEX”让您通过压缩空气流“喷射”空种子和碎片来清洁原材料。


良种葵花籽。 湿度小于6%。 不允许尘杂。 油品杂质小于1%。 不允许感染害虫。 颜色从白色到浅灰色。葵花籽所特有气味,没有异气味。 无特异味道(果仁不粘、不霉、不酸不苦)

usaid agro program
Malatko Puree in Pouch (pear)

The undeniable advantage of an innovative packing ‘pouch’ is its ease of use and ergonomics.
A pouch is a very convenient packing both for mother and baby. Infants gladly eat it by themselves. They can easily open and close the pouch without breaking it and spilling the contents.
Besides, only Malatko pouches have unique caps, which can be like a building set for your baby! In addition to delicious and useful food, the baby also can develop by assembling a constructor.

usaid agro program
Malatko Puree in Pouch (apple-raspberry)

The undeniable advantage of an innovative packing ‘pouch’ is its ease of use and ergonomics.
A pouch is a very convenient packing both for mother and baby. Infants gladly eat it by themselves. They can easily open and close the pouch without breaking it and spilling the contents.
Besides, only Malatko pouches have unique caps, which can be like a building set for your baby! In addition to delicious and useful food, the baby also can develop by assembling a constructor.

usaid agro program




只有橙子:没有添加剂!低对流晒干温度。残余湿度 - 只有 6-8%。

含有胡萝卜素、果胶、叶酸和有机酸、维生素——A、B1、B6、B9、C等; 微量元素——钙、钾、铁、镁、铜等。




50 克薯片相当于 450-500 克新鲜橙子。

Hummus-snack Frango ORIGINAL

This is a snack made by dehydrating traditional hummus with the addition of corn and chickpea flour.

Sugar-free. Lactose-free. Gluten-free.

The protein content is 21%. Baked, without frying.

Hummus snack contains 90% traditional hummus.

Hummus-snack Frango Spicy

This is a snack made by dehydrating traditional hummus with the addition of corn and chickpea flour.

Sugar-free. Lactose-free. Gluten-free.

The protein content is 21%. Baked, without frying.

Hummus snack contains 90% traditional hummus.

Hummus-snack Frango with Figs

This is a naturally sweet snack made by dehydrating traditional hummus with the addition of corn flour, dried figs, and Jerusalem artichoke syrup.

Hummus snack contains 80% traditional hummus, and 10% dried figs.

Sugar-free. Lactose-free. Gluten-free.

The protein content is 19%. Baked, without frying.


纯度 - 最高 99.95%,水分 - 最高 8%,切片- 最高 8%。

Hummus-snack Frango with Olives

This is a snack made by dehydrating traditional hummus with the addition of corn and chickpea flour.

Sugar-free. Lactose-free. Gluten-free.

The protein content is 21%. Baked, without frying.

Hummus snack contains 90% traditional hummus.

Hummus-snack Frango with Dried Apricots

This is a naturally sweet snack made by dehydrating traditional hummus with the addition of corn flour, dried figs, and Jerusalem artichoke syrup.

Hummus snack contains 80% traditional hummus, and 10% dried apricots.

Sugar-free. Lactose-free. Gluten-free.

The protein content is 19%. Baked, without frying.

Hummus-snack Frango with Green onion

This is a snack made by dehydrating traditional hummus with the addition of corn and chickpea flour.

Sugar-free. Lactose-free. Gluten-free.

The protein content is 21%. Baked, without frying.

Hummus snack contains 90% traditional hummus.

Hummus-snack Frango with Dates

This is a naturally sweet snack made by dehydrating traditional hummus with the addition of corn flour, dried figs, and Jerusalem artichoke syrup.

Hummus snack contains 80% traditional hummus, and 10% dried figs.

Sugar-free. Lactose-free. Gluten-free.

The protein content is 19%. Baked, without frying.

Hummus-snack Frango with Cranberries

This is a naturally sweet snack made by dehydrating traditional hummus with the addition of corn flour, dried figs, and Jerusalem artichoke syrup.

Hummus snack contains 80% traditional hummus, and 10% dried cranberries.

Sugar-free. Lactose-free. Gluten-free.

The protein content is 19%. Baked, without frying.

usaid agro program


只有胡萝卜:没有添加剂!低对流晒干温度。残余湿度 - 只有 6-8%。

含有维生素 A、B1、B2、B3、B5、B9(叶酸)、C、E、PP 和矿物质钙、硫、磷、硒、铬、锰、碘、氟、铜和钼。




50 克胡萝卜片相当于 450-500 克新鲜胡萝卜。