



Cranberry – Coconut  candies

Mixture of chopped dried fruits and nuts with the addition of freeze-dried cranberries - 100% natural ingredients.

Ingredients: light raisins, sunflower kernel seeds, dried dates, coconut (13.3%), almond nuts, freeze-dried cranberries (1.2%).

Visual appearance: round candies up to 20 mm in size, encrusted in cocoa.

May have slight deformation.

Allow for an rough surface and a slight sprinkling of surface treatment.

Color: brown  typical for this type of product according to the recipe).

Taste and odor: typical for the product and the raw material used, without extraneous odor and flavor.

Chocolate - Orange сandies

Mixture of chopped dried fruits and nuts with the addition of fresh orange peel and cocoa - 100% natural ingredients.

Ingredients: dried dates, light raisins, walnuts, cocoa powder (3.0%), orange peel (1.5%).

Visual appearance: round candies up to 20 mm in size, encrusted in cocoa.

May have slight deformation.

Allow for an rough surface and a slight sprinkling of surface treatment.

Color: brown (typical for this type of product according to the recipe).

Taste and odor: typical for the product and the raw material used, without extraneous odor and flavor.

GRANOLA Light FRUITS 烘焙燕麦片早餐, 55克,  Good morning, Granola牌

配料:燕麦片、不同比例的混合干果  (葡萄干 (葡萄干,二氧化硫)、蔓越莓干)(添加量20%) 、蜂蜜、杏仁片。

GRANOLA CHOCOLATE 烘焙燕麦片早餐, 330克,  Good morning, Granola牌

配料:燕麦片、巧克力(添加量22%) 、( 可可液块、可可脂、卵磷脂乳化剂)、蜂蜜、不同比例的混合坚果(熟杏仁和熟腰果仁为主)、可可粉。

GRANOLA NUTS 烘焙燕麦片早餐, 330克,  Good morning, Granola牌


GRANOLA FRUITS 烘焙燕麦片早餐, 330克,  Good morning, Granola牌

配料:燕麦片、蜂蜜、不同比例的混合干果 (葡萄干 (葡萄干,二氧化硫)、蔓越莓干)(添加量20%) 、不同比例的混合坚果(熟杏仁和熟腰果仁为主)。

GRANOLA Light CHOCOLATE 烘焙燕麦片早餐, 55克,  Good morning, Granola牌

配料:燕麦片、巧克力(添加量18%) 、( 可可液块、可可脂、卵磷脂乳化剂)、蜂蜜、杏仁片、可可粉。



GRANOLA Light COCONUT 烘焙燕麦片早餐, 55克,  Good morning, Granola牌


GRANOLA To Go DATES and COCONUT 烘焙燕麦片早餐, 80克,  Good morning, Granola牌



我们的燕麦杯系列具有各种味道,是当今的完美发明。 杯状燕麦片不仅方便,而且美味可口。 要吃点小吃,您需要用热水冲入燕麦片中,让它泡好一点。 这些菜是对体型有非常积极的影响。




三格拉诺优质燕麦颗粒麦片 - 专为挑剔的顾客打造,100%天然成分,无棕榈油,无色素和防腐剂。

5 种令人难以置信的口味组合:

▪  巧克力和草莓

▪  混合浆果和超级食品

▪  坚果和枣

▪  芒果和香蕉

▪  苹果和肉桂

Vegetable crispbreads

The mixture of vegetables and oilseeds with the addition of spices. - 100% natural ingredients.

Ingredients: fresh vegetables (51.66%) (carrot, white cabbage, onion), flax seeds, sunflower seeds, dried garlic, sea salt, dried garlic.

Visual appearance: dried, crisp, rectangular plates, size 110h45h5 mm, possibly including flax seeds and sunflower kernels.

Flavor and odor: typical of the product and used raw materials, without any odor or aftertaste.

Perfect for a healthy snack, or to top off the main meal. Breads are made from local farm products. In production are subjected to heat treatment, and dried at 42 ° C, which allows you to save all the vitamins, enzymes, and cell integrity of raw materials.

Mushroom Crispbreads

Mixture of vegetables and oilseeds with the addition of spices. - 100% natural ingredients.

Ingredients: fresh carrots, flax seeds, sunflower seeds, mushrooms fresh (16.67%), fresh onions, sea salt, dried dill.

Visual appearance: dried, crisp, rectangular plates, size 110h45h5 mm, with a possible inclusion of flax seeds and sunflower kernels.

Flavor and odor: typical of the product and used raw materials, without any odor and aftertaste, with a strong aroma of mushrooms.

Perfect for a healthy snack, or to top off a main meal. Breads are made from local farm products. In the production are subjected to heat treatment, dried at 42 ° C, which allows you to save all the vitamins, enzymes, cell integrity of raw materials.

Yummoji 水果圈圈麦片与棉花糖

水果圈圈麦片与棉花糖是多谷物环形麦片,结合了3种水果口味和软软的小棉花糖。不含棕榈油的 YUMMOJI 环形麦片带有草莓、黑醋栗和苹果口味,将为您的早晨带来明亮,而像云朵一样的软软小棉花糖将为您的早餐增添细致口感。




不含麸质。 大麻种子的众多有益特性很容易用其丰富的化学成分来解释。 该产品含有以下成分:矿物质——铁、钙、铜、锌和磷; 元素钾、镁、锰、钠、硫和氯; 约 20 种氨基酸,包括人体无法自行产生的必需氨基酸; B组维生素——从B1到B12; 维生素 A、E 和 C; 维生素D; 球蛋白和白蛋白; 最重要的脂肪酸是Omega-6和Omega-3,物质比例与有用的鱼油相同; 纤维素。



