

荞麦米。 不油炸。 TM Pere

未烤过的荞麦具有特殊的味道,并因其有益的特性而受到高度重视。 与烤谷物相比,主要区别在于加工方法,这让您最大限度地保存营养,最重要的是,将它们添加到您的菜肴中。 来自 TM“Pere”的未烤荞麦结合了膳食产品的品质和极佳的味道。 基于荞麦可以做美味佳肴,享受皇家配菜的真正好处。


由 Phyllo 面团制成的精致馅饼,夹馅苹果、葡萄干和肉桂。


Phyllo Turnover 配樱桃和奶油冻

usaid agro program

樱桃馅饼是一种用樱桃馅烤制的小馅饼。 也有其他的馅料:卷心菜、土豆、罂粟籽、苹果、杏、李子、果酱。

usaid agro program
Pickled cucumbers, 670 g

Sterilized canning. Pickled cucumbers. Of the highest grade. Ingredients: cucumbers (50%), water, salt, sugar, acidity regulator - acetic acid, herbs, garlic, bay leaf, hot pepper.

碎麦米,ТМ Art Foods


Pelmeni with turkey meat

The complete range of TM Good Chef:

Khinkali "Three-Cheese";

Khinkali with pork;

Pelmeni with chicken fillet;

Pelmeni with turkey meat;

Pelmeni with pork and beef meat;

Varenyky with potato;

Varenyky with potato, parmesan, and Italian herbs;

Rice flour cheesecakes;

Pancakes with salmon and cheese;

Chocolate pancakes with cherry and caramel;

Pancakes with chicken and mushrooms;

Pancakes with sweet cottage cheese;

Lasagna with mushrooms and chicken with Bechamel sauce;

Lasagna with "Bolognese" sauce with pork;

Vanilla casserole with cottage cheese;

"Selyanske" licorice butter.

Varenyky with potato, parmesan, and Italian herbs

The complete range of TM Good Chef:

Khinkali "Three-Cheese";

Khinkali with pork;

Pelmeni with Chicken fillet;

Pelmeni with turkey meat;

Pelmeni with pork and beef meat;

Varenyky with potato;

Varenyky with potato, parmesan, and Italian herbs;

Rice flour cheesecakes;

Pancakes with salmon and cheese;

Chocolate pancakes with cherry and caramel;

Pancakes with chicken and mushrooms;

Pancakes with sweet cottage cheese;

Lasagna with mushrooms and chicken with Bechamel sauce;

Lasagna with "Bolognese" sauce with pork;

Vanilla casserole with cottage cheese;

"Selyanske" licorice butter.

珍珠大麦米,ТМ Art Foods

珍珠大麦是一种大麦米。为了将大麦粒变成珍珠大麦,它的外壳被去除,核心被磨碎。该名称与谷物与珍珠的相似性有关。大麦的种植始于近一万年前。它自古就是名品,在古罗马,连角斗士也吃过大麦粥。分布于瑞典、丹麦、芬兰美食中,用于配菜、谷类香肠和汤。在意大利美食中,orzotto 用于烹饪,其配方类似于米饭烩饭。通过在您的饮食中添加珍珠大麦来唤醒您自己的角斗士力量!

速溶奶油汤 卡尔乔加鹰嘴豆 ТМ






100%天然无热量甜味剂。 甜叶菊叶的半水提纯产物,不含有机溶剂,防腐剂,化学添加剂,酒精。 促进血糖水平,新陈代谢正常化; 具有强大的抗炎,抗菌,抗寄生虫,免疫调节功能

usaid agro program
Tomato sauce for shish kebab, 530 g

Sterilized canning. Tomato sauce for shish kebab. Ingredients: fresh tomatoes, onions, sugar, garlic, table salt, bitter pepper, celery, parsley, dill, acidity regulator - acetic acid.

速溶鹰嘴豆奶油汤 ТМ







100%天然无热量甜味剂。 内含乳糖醇,有助于肠胃菌群失调平衡。 具有广泛的治疗及预防功能:稳定血糖值; 促进酶系统功能的恢复,促进新陈代谢正常化


100%天然无热量甜味剂。具有广泛的治疗和预防功能:稳定血糖,具有强大的抗炎,抗菌,抗寄生虫,免疫调节特性; 有助于酶系统功能恢复,新陈代谢正常化

寿司饭,ТМ Art Foods




usaid agro program
Pickled red tomatoes, 670 g

Sterilized canning. Pickled red tomatoes. Grade 1. Ingredients: tomatoes (50%), water, salt, sugar, acidity regulator - acetic acid, herbs, garlic, bay leaf, bitter pepper.

usaid agro program
Pickled green tomatoes, 1500 g

Sterilized canning. Pickled green tomatoes. Ingredients: tomatoes (50%), water, salt, sugar, acidity regulator - acetic acid, herbs, garlic, bay leaf, hot pepper.

usaid agro program
Pickled cucumbers, 1500 g

Sterilized canning. Pickled cucumbers. Of the highest grade. Ingredients: cucumbers (50%), water, salt, sugar, acidity regulator - acetic acid, herbs, garlic, bay leaf, hot pepper.

usaid agro program
Pickled red tomatoes, 1500 g

Sterilized canning. Pickled red tomatoes. Grade 1. Ingredients: tomatoes (50%), water, salt, sugar, acidity regulator - acetic acid, herbs, garlic, bay leaf, bitter pepper.