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“Ukrainian Mineral Waters”有限责任公司是乌克兰医疗饮用矿泉水生产市场的领导者之一。 公司是 JSC «Odessa Mineral waters factory «Kuyalnik» 和 JSC «Svalyava Mineral Waters» 的总经销商。

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莎多奇在葡萄酒庄园于1995年在奇卡伊区成立,坐落在外喀尔巴阡州别列果瓦镇附近。 我们从零开始建立了一座现代化的生产基地,同时把当地的酿酒传统作为发展倾向。 在莎多奇在酒庄,我们只用我们的欧洲引进和当地著名葡萄品种酿造葡萄酒。 横贯外喀尔巴阡山脉风土环境的272公顷葡萄园。 尊重当地传统并在欧洲学习现代酿酒的工匠。 历史的启发和未来的活力全部注入我们的葡萄酒中。

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Danube Agrarian has 2,000 hectares of organic land, part of which is irrigated.

We grow wheat, durum wheat, millet, lentils, corn, canola, barley, peas, chickpeas, mustard, sunflowers, potatoes, onions, beets, carrots, peppers, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, cantaloupes, watermelons, plums, nectarines and peaches in our fields and gardens.

Our company also produces various certified products such as organic chicken and eggs and we are the only Ukraine's certified producers of organic duck and lamb.

The process of our products harvesting, processing and storing meets all organic certification requirements.

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Production of healthy food products made of 100% natural ingredients, without the addition of non-natural components, namely: Bars and candies based on dried fruits and nuts and Grain Breads, made by modern technology, which allows you to preserve all the natural properties of their constituent components without heat treatment.

The production uses local farm products that have been purified from phytic acid.

The main features of the product:

- normalize metabolism, remove toxins;

- contain essential for the body, at the cellular level mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins B, iodine, K and Fe.

- Lower cholesterol levels due to the high content of dietary fiber.

- Enrich the body with ascorbic and folic acids to improve metabolism and blood circulation.

Our mission is to improve the quality of people's nutrition and create a healthy alternative to unhealthy snacks.

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Klion Group, the largest Ukrainian importer of fish and seafood, was founded on December 7, 2005 in Zaporizhzhia, where its headquarters, production complex and one of its logistics centers are located. The main activity of Klion Group is the import, production and sale, including export, of fish and seafood. From the very first days of its foundation, the priorities of the Klion Group Company have been the sale of high quality products, customer focus and the development of the enterprise on a national scale!

The plant is equipped with modern high-tech equipment from the world's leading manufacturers.
The production lines allow to produce 2500 tons of finished products per month and use various technological processes of fish and seafood processing. Today, the production facilities produce more than 200 products in 6 workshops.

The stability of production processes, a well-established labor organization system, and qualified personnel indicate that we have created a first-class production facility that we are proud of.

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我们的果园成立于 2015 年。如今,它的面积已超过 48 公顷,并有雄心勃勃的扩张计划。

我们位于生态清洁乌克兰的布科维纳地区。 它位于文尼察市和切尔诺夫策市之间。 靠近强大的德尼斯特河。

我们种植嘎啦、金冠 和乔纳王子苹果。 擅长小事是我们坚定的决定。 使用生态区域和经过认证的生物认证营养素,为我们的顾客保持健康和美味的苹果。

我们并不是说我们已经达到了完美的结果,而是我们每天都在学习和进步。 我们很自豪能被公认为乌克兰农业领域最好的公司之一,来自欧洲客户的积极反馈告诉我们,我们正走在正确的道路上。


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Interprice Corporation LLC is a manufacturer and exporter of high-quality packaged deodorized deodorized frozen sunflower oil P.The company's products are sunflower oil of the highest degree of purification with a neutral taste and smell, made from sunflower seeds of Ukrainian origin of high quality.

Our products meet all the requirements of the State Standard of Ukraine DSTU 4492:2017 "Sunflower oil. Technical conditions, "as well as high requirements and standards of other countries, including the EU countries.
The company annually increases production capacity. Thanks to modern high-tech and energy-saving equipment from leading European manufacturers, the harmful impact on the environment is minimized, and the productivity and quality of products are maintained at a high level.
Modern systems and technologies for further processing of oil, high automation of all processes, control of each stage of production and qualified personnel guarantee high standards of product quality, which is confirmed by certificates of conformity and safety of food products HACCP (ISO 22000: 2018, ISO 22000: 2007, IDT).

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The values of our company are naturalness, consumer safety, and quality. Why should you choose us? - High-quality product, current design, pleasant price policy, willingness to listen to our partners.

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ARTI LLC 是一家领先的乌克兰企业,拥有生产速冻产品的垂直一体化综合设施。我们公司专门从事耕种卷心菜:西兰花、花椰菜和宝塔花菜,以及覆盆子。

ARTI LLC 的成立日期是 1997 年 12 月 3 日。公司的主要活动之一是生产和销售冷冻包装的肉以及重量产品:蔬菜、水果和混合物。给消费者提供高品质的产品是我们公司的首要任务。

自 2000 年以来,“ARTI” LLC 已成功实施 TM “ARTICA” 下的速冻产品,该产品因其独特的配方和高品质而在人群中广受欢迎。公司在自有品牌生产方面积极与乌克兰零售连锁店合作。

经过精心准备,TM ARTIKA 制造商成功实施并应用了质量管理体系。国际审核员于2017年7月进行的外部审核结果确认我们的企业符合ISO 9001:2015的要求。同样在检查过程中,表明符合食品安全系统认证 22000 系统。


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AGROIMPEX GROUP是一家从事农产品和葵花籽生产、加工和销售的国际集团公司。 控股总部位于保加利亚普罗夫迪夫,在德国和乌克兰设有代表处。

欧洲管理原则、乌克兰优质的种子和世界技术加工的种子相结合,使我们成为市场上的强大参与者。 我们已经确立了自己作为可靠合作伙伴的地位,因为我们生产的产品满足所有客户的要求。

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46 PARALLEL WINE GROUP LLC 公司怀着“打造乌克兰在世界葡萄酒产区地图的鲜明地位”雄心壮志黑马闯进红酒界。北纬46度的气候赐予先天优势为乌克兰高品质葡萄酒行业发展建定基础。同样坐落在北纬46度的法国勃艮第地区以及波尔多能够成为世界红酒之乡,能够生产昂誉全球的葡萄酒绝不是偶然。满腔热情的“北纬46度葡萄酒集团公司”创始人安娜 果儿宫女士在招集乌克兰葡萄酒界内知名人士的同时,还组织了15家酒瓶供应商网络。“北纬46度葡萄酒集团公司”的成功是每个合作商的成功,也是国家的成功,更是乌克兰民族的骄傲。

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多布罗迪亚食品有限责任公司是多布罗迪亚, 三格拉诺, 沃沃燕麦, 美味小巨人品牌下燕麦片和早餐谷物的领先制造商和供应商。

我们的生产综合体是基于可持续发展、环保方法、高能源效率和自动化技术流程的原则创建的。公司已通过食品安全系统认证22000 、无麸质认证、清真认证、有机认证和犹太饮食认证的认证。我们生产健康和环保的产品,原材料来自我们自己的田地种植的谷物。我们是乌克兰唯一种植和加工无麸质燕麦的燕麦片生产商。

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Production of Turkish Delights

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Big Ukrainian producer of canned vegetables that specializes in canned sweet corn, extra-fine green peas, and beans. Founded in 1998 with more than 25 years of experience. Located in the west of Ukraine, 100 km from the Polish border. The company plants and grows vegetables on its own land and can control every step of the production. The company has FSSC and ISO 22000 certifications. More than 300 employees work at 'Shchedra Nyva.' We export to more than 20 countries all over the world. Our clients include Auchan, Metro, Valgri, Silpo, Chumak, Novus, and others.